I truly don’t believe that I can sum up this amazing real estate find (thanks Offbeat Homie Rebecca!) any better than this one sentence from its listing:
1920s style Art Deco home built in early ’90s by founder of Gardenburger, blending the style of Miami’s South Beach and glamour of Hollywood.

It’s basically like a hotel from the ’20s and an office building from the ’90s gave birth to this ridiculous home — complete with an homage to The Rocketeer (the ultimate Art Deco + ’90s combo!) — and it’s one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen…

WHAT it’s like throwbacks of throwbacks !!
RIGHT!? It’s incredible.
Wow, they loved the Rockateer and Art Deco, but really hated doors.
Are you saying you don’t see the doors? They are there just over shawdowed by all the rest. Although the ones you can see are cool too.
HAAAA! That made me laugh out loud in public.
It’s only $750k?!?! I mean: there’s still no way I could afford it, but that price seems utterly reasonable. Let’s all chip in and turn it into an Offbeat Homie co-owned Airbnb! 😉
This is one of those things that struck my taste as “So ugly that I love it.” Also, now my husband is going to have to put up with my pleas to build a bed nook, because it’s something I never knew I needed!
I need to find this home ! Please contact me 🙂