Forget Thanksgiving. It’s time to celebrate all that we’ve been given by T. Hanks.
T. Hanks-giving is a wonderful pre- post- or alterna-Thanksgiving celebration that gives thanks to Tom Hanks, Patron Saint of American Film.
No one is quite sure where this mysterious holiday got its start. A quick internet search indicates that the pun really started to catch its footing in 2011 and 2012. Sometimes shortened as Hanksgiving, it’s a perfect thing for that awkward time on Thanksgiving Eve when everyone’s gathered together but no one has anything to do. It’s also a wonderful alternative to Black Friday or something fun to do with your framily if you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving.
If you tend to watch any television during Thanksgiving time, you’ve probably participated in this holiday ritual without even realizing! Many Tom Hanks movies are the exact sort of feel-good stuff that TV networks push during the season.
So why not make it A Thing? Here’s how to throw your own T. Hanks-giving…
Simply choose one — or more! — T. Hanks movies for everyone to enjoy. Since it’s a holiday, I suggest sticking to more lighthearted fare (there’s no crying in T.Hanks-giving!), but that’s up to you and your guests. Just be sure to choose a movie that will be appropriate for all of your guests, and mindful of any content that might not sit well with them.
You can plan snacks around the theme of your film choice, or around the impressive career of the man himself. Puns are heavily encouraged! Sleepless in Se-apple Pie? The Polar Espresso? Turner’s Hooch? A Legume of Their Own? Joe Versus the Jalapeño? Catch Me If You Yam?
In terms of décor, nothing echoes the elegance and beauty of this celebration like lots of printed out pictures of Tom Hanks’ face. You can add in details that echo the film, like toys scattered everywhere as a nod to Toy Story or Big.
Finally, prepare your guests for the evening they are about to enjoy. Invite everyone and let them know the dress code and the films you’ll be enjoying. For an added Tom Hanks touch, type your invitations (he’s an avid collector of typewriters, because of course he is).
I have never loved Dootsie Bug more than in this moment. This year I’m spending the day with the in-laws, but next year… Next year will be all about watching Tom Hanks do that thing he does!
Maybe you can sneak a T. Hanks DVD on the tube…
(This comment used to be a gif of Tom Hanks lifting up a copy of The Oneders album.)
This is amazing. We watched Turner and Hooch a LOT in my house growing up. I’m spending Thanksgiving with the inlaws, but I am going to have to drop a “Happy T.Hanksgiving” card in the mail for my mom.
Aww. Love that idea.
I will forever love this post for suggesting I use “house covered in toys” as “Toy Story” themed decor. It’s not a child related disaster! We’ve decorated for a party!
T.Hanks loves what you’ve done with the place.
This is amazing. We loved us some Joe vs. the Volcano growing up. (Orange Soda recipes!) I just suggested it to my family as the theme for this month’s family pot luck which is like 4 days after Thanksgiving… I wonder if I can obtain a giant floor piano and ukulele in time!
Just pack ’em up in a steamer trunk.
Enjoy the Hanks.
I live in NZ so I don’t celebrate thanksgiving, but this… this I would do.
T. Hanks for participating in the rise of this very important holiday. 🙂
I really love this.
We moved to Sweden this summer and I really missed turkey and cooking and friends when Canadian Thanksgiving went by last month. Maybe we should make T.Hanks-giving our Swedish equivalent!
Every year we throw a Saturday “Friendsgiving” costume party after having dinner with our respective families. Every year we pick a theme for next year (examples include Fonz-giving, or A Very Vincent Price Thanksgiving after the SNL skit) and this year’s theme happens to be An Almost T.Hanks-giving.
Everyone has to dress up as a character from a Tom Hanks movie that isn’t played by Tom Hanks. (A box of chocolates, Wilson, buzz lightyear, a baseball outfit from A League of Their Own).
It should be super fun and an easy way to use up leftovers quickly. We also use it as a chance to draw secret Santas for our New Years party.
T.Hanksgiving was spent watching The Burbs which has inspired our next offbeat holiday celebration…I give you Corey Feldmus!
OMG! Yes. You need to write the Home post about that one. 😉
This. Is. Brillliant.
I think if I were USian I’d feel uncomfortable about celebrating Thanksgiving but I could definitely, definitely get behind this 🙂