The Flickr pool heated up last week. You guys are sharing your awesome lives, and it is so fun to sift through. You’ve been big on cool displays, bizarre knick knacks and bright colors — and these photos are just a few from the bunch. You can click each picture to see more…
The Satanic Wrath and Evil Despair of Infernal Yardwork, a preview from the upcoming Blackmetal Homes and Gardens photobook from photographer Libby Bulloff. CANNOT. WAIT.
Am I the only one starting to daydream about warm summer nights outside? Photo by Wonderlane, used under Creative Commons license.
Okay, I’m COMPLETELY impressed by this Nerf storage solution from aryll in our Flickr pool.
Ursula’s tchotchke display. SO MUCH COOLER than if these were all on one shelf.
I dunno, Annabel, what WOULD Karl Marx do?
Way to make a medium-sized frame work the whole wall!

Start your week with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. This week: a tent bed and a serendipitous... Read more
Lenore’s completed wall-ribboning.
Dr. Bojangles’ HOT PINK PATIO.
It’s hard for me not to like any primary-colored couch with simple lines, like lilmissbride’s.
And for coming all the way down here, take a peek at cholla cholla’s Oklahoman midcenturythriftsouthwesterncandycoloredsmoothandsimple home — you’ll get to see more of it soon, promise!
Now. Here are your Clicky Links!
- How about this feature on an amaaaaaaaazing Middle Eastern home. So much texture!
- If you’d told me it was possible to reupholster furniture with fabric scraps in an attractive way without showing me proof, I’d have laughed in your face. I’m sorry for hypothetically laughing at you.
- The Tiny House Movement marches on! A New York Times article about Derick Diedricksen, who makes 200-square-foot structures out of trashed materials.
- Reader Sully sent in a kind of fantastic find: Star Wars cookie cutters from, of all places, Williams-Sonoma.
Offbeat Home wants your shots! Upload your photographs to our Flickr pool and we’ll alllllll look at them. If you want a nudge, take a look at these tips for photographing your home.
“Am I the only one starting to daydream about warm summer nights outside?”
NO. I can’t stop. I just want to sit on that still-warm-from-the-sun stone and lean on the tree and listen to the background sounds of friends having fun. Sigh. Come on, summertime …
Woot! Those are my birds on the wall! Woooooot!
^I LOVE those birds! Did you use a stencil or what?
(My hot pink patio! Woot!)
They’re vinyl wall stickers we got from Decorette’s Etsy shop!
Awesome, thank you!
LOVE all of these photos/ideas!
I suddenly must cover my balcony in Christmas lights!
We still have our Christmas lights out. I think we’ve reached the point were it’s optimistic rather than lazy!
When I lived in Sweden we had a shower knob where you could adjust temperature and spray volume separately. Plus the temperature knob had a temperature lock button. Very cool! I miss it.
Apart from the temprature lock button (sounds so useful!) that sounds like my parents shower. My dad loves it because he inexplicably likes to be pounded with cold water like he’s under a waterfall or something.
They also have two shower heads, one directly above and one off to the side so you can either have it rain style or keep your head out.
Sounds nice! My husband would love it. He always wants to take a high pressure cold water shower after mowing the lawn in the summer heat but unfortunately it’s not possible with our current shower knob. The cold water pressure is low and full pressure is already warm.
Showerheads aren’t hard to replace. There’s a brand called Incredible Head. If you want a high-pressure shower it’s pretty dang effective.
They have Star Wars pancake molds too… My husband let out a little squeal when I brought breakfast to the table on Saturday. Yes, I am a domestic goddess!!
My mom bought the Star Wars pancake molds for my husband on his first ‘Family Day’ with us. He didn’t even like pancakes until I made him a Storm Trooper shaped one (with a Darth Vader spatula nonetheless).
Loving the garden pics– I was hoping there would be some outdoor focus on the site!
I LOVE the lit-up courtyard! It’s like someone took my mental paradise and actually made it!
Our mini Nerf gun armory wall has saved me from lots of tripping when going in and out of my eldest sons’ room. The funny thing was, my hubby loved it soo much he made a special request to construct one for his Nerf and soft air guns too! Guess that’s what happens when u live in a house full of boys…
The birds are my favorite. Love!
“Nerf storage solution” = Win of the day!
Great idea so well thought out.