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The most ridiculously adorable gifts to snag on Small Business Saturday (that you’ll totally want to keep)

If you’re planning to take advantage of Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Hangover Tuesday, you’ll probably snag some sweet deals. But don’t forget: toooons of small businesses also have sales and promotions going on which allow you to stock up gifts for the holidays while supporting indie and small businesses. I rounded up a bunch of ludicrously endearing gifts for that super special weirdo in your life… or let’s face it, just for ourselves.

My cat medication hack (that I stole from dog owners!)

My cat medication hack (that I stole from dog owners!)

My cat has diabetes and has to be given food and a shot every 12 hours. It’s a pretty smooth process unless I can’t be around at that 12-hour time and have to do a big schedule adjustment. Or worse, I’m on a 5:30am and 5:30pm schedule where I’m giving a sleepy shot and forget to write it down. Either way, I needed a solution that let me keep track of the fact that I gave her the shot. I stole this idea from a dog owner…

My area is going plastic bag free. How do I dispose of this cat poop?

In Australia, our big supermarkets are about to switch to being plastic bag free.

I’m all for this, but I regularly use the bags to dispose of icky kitty litter and was hoping I could get some suggestions as to more environmentally friendly (and hopefully cheap) options?

Gun control explained with cats (to share before tomorrow's March for Our Lives)

Gun control explained with cats (to share before tomorrow’s March For Our Lives)

Tomorrow is a big day for everyone, and especially all of those Gen Z-ers taking the nation by the jugular to give rise to a voice in opposition to gun deaths, and in support of common sense gun laws and school safety. It’s the March For Our Lives.

Whether or not you support enhanced gun laws or not (and please keep it civil in the comments either way), it’s happening tomorrow, March 24th, 2018, in cities across the U.S. (and elsewhere). In the meantime, here’s a quick take that gives some perspective on the whole issue… with cats.

I tried a a pet camera to spy on my kitties and it was comedy gold

I was able to get my hands on a fancy-pants pet camera (Thanks, Ariel!) that had wifi, night vision, two-way audio, motion detection, a phone app, notifications, and even a treat dispenser!

But this wasn’t just a webcam — this was supposed to be a state-of-the-art surveillance swat team of a camera that also allows me to taunt coo at my kitties while rewarding them for chilling out in front of the camera. Here’s how my pet camera trial went down…

Realistic cat trees

Make your house a jungle for your own wild animal (your cat!)

Y’all are probably shopping in some capacity this week, so I figured I’d make holiday shopping for your CAT even easier. The wild tiger in your living room needs his own realistic cat tree to survey his kingdom (everything the light touches, obviously).

Did you know that litter box services exist!?

Maybe you’re like me and you’re sick of cleaning litter boxes. Or maybe you have an illness that sucks up all of your energy. (If you have limited spoons, do you really want to use them on cleaning?) Or maybe you’re running a business and raising kids and taking care of your parents and volunteering and you literally don’t have time to clean litter boxes. I’m here to tell you that you have options…

How to foster kittens with adult cats in the house

I’ve fostered kitties for over five years now, and have six of my own adult cats. Each adult cat acts their own way towards newbies, but here’s how I have successfully fostered kittens…