The entire Offbeat Empire is celebrating Something on a Stick Day today, so empire-wide, posts are going to be about something… on a stick.

You know you were thinking of this gold standard when you saw “something on a stick”: homemade, just-like-state-fair corndog on a stick (or if you’re from Minnesota like Homie Amanda, Pronto Pups!). Read all about how to make these golden lovelies in your own home.
Whether it’s foods, drinks, or decor, being on a stick makes it portable, fashionable, and fabulous. Here’s our savory, sweet, and sometimes even swanky roundup of all things Offbeat Home & Life… on a STICK!
Offbeat Brides often have creative ideas that Offbeat Homies can use. One we loved was using chopstick sleeves as place cards. Yes! Smart! Now I’m kind of thinking about a Chinese food dinner party… Go learn how to make ’em.

To quote Ariel, next,

Craft your own handmade paper flowers with Sandy's illustrative step-by-step photographs and simple instructions. These flowers are large, colorful, and add a bright highlight to... Read more
Let’s talk about the magic that is hot chocolate on a mutha-fuckin’ STICK, people. Not since snakes on a plane has a thing on another thing had such a profound impact on me. Can you imagine hosting some friends over for dinner, and handing everyone a cup of steaming hot milk and a STICK OF HOT CHOCOLATE “for a creamy, interactive hot chocolate experience”!?…
It’s getting warmer as spring approaches much of the northern hemisphere, but there is no shortage of days a stick of hot chocolate is made of win. Find out more about how to make your own and other nummy hot beverages!
Top off your delicious drinks with some SPARKLE on a stick! How to make your own swizzle sticks is a quick tutorial with fancy results for your next party. Dale shares some delicious sparkly drinks in the post, too — perfect for celebrating the beginning of a new year, new job, new marriage, or new swizzle sticks!
Speaking of swizzle-on-a-stick… Offbeat Home & Life readers helped Homie triciavicious decide what do with her huge collection of vintage swizzle-on-a-stick. Some fantastic suggestions bubbled up in the comments, including upcycling them into jewelry and decor. Go read more! How would YOU use them?

Looking for more decor on a stick? Stephanie (Offbeat Families Managing Editor) shared these magical red dancing sticks made from little more than string, a single screw eye, and sticks you can collect from your backyard. Psst: She also shared the linky for the tutorial!

Gotta celebrate the LIFE in Offbeat Home & Life, and how better to celebrate something on a stick day than to say “I love you” on a stick(-out-of-the-tongue)? This relationship hack is a win, and Homies shared other ways they pause to say “I love you” when they’re mad over in the comments.
We love you, Homies! Did we miss your favorite Offbeat Home and Life… something-on-a-stick? Stick with us… there’s more something-on-a-stick over at Offbeat Bride and Offbeat Families today!
Haha! Those corndog things are called Pluto Pups where I come from (eastern states of Australia) and Dagwood Dogs where I live now (South Australia).
I love the idea of them, but they gross me out in reality, haha.
“Not since snakes on a plane has a thing on another thing had such a profound impact on me.” 😀 Sentences like this are why I love *everyone* in the Offbeat Empire.
PRONTO PUPS! Minnesota represent.
Seriously. If you’re ever in the neighborhood (aka midwestern US of A) in late August/early September the Minnesota State Fair is an “on-a-stick” loving person’s personal paradise. Deep fried candy bar on a stick? Of course. Hotdish on a stick? Yep. Beer on a stick? You betcha. It’s ridiculous AND hilarious.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold up. Pronto Pups ≠ corn dogs! Corn dogs are, well, made with corn. Pronto Pup batter is wheat-based. C’mon, now.
(Minnesotan born and raised, here!)
Oh, foods on a stick! According to trusted friends – I did not attend this magical event – but at a recent Ohio State Fair, one could procure both deep-fried Koolaid (I don’t even know) and deep-fried cheese burgers. (And burgers with doughnuts for buns, which must have been stick-y.)
First of all, I love how you barely got into the piece and brought up the Minnesota State Fair. (When I first saw the title I started thinking about the entire fair, including their advertising wind turbines as energy on a stick. :P) Second, how was not aware of aware of this particular day? I must mark this on my calendar for future reference. Third, one of these days I’m going to come up with a recipe for deep fried spinach on a stick. A friend of mine thinks it’s an awesome idea.
Just here to say there’s a Pronto Pup in Seaside, Oregon! It’s a sin to go there without getting a pup!
Dammit now I want corndogs.