Sometimes I day dream about moving from Los Angeles to Seattle so I can live closer to the water, breathe cleaner air, and work side by side with our darling Ariel (and her noisy neighbors).
The good news is, I found my PERFECT home in West Seattle! It’s a waterfront condo right on the Puget Sound with an amazing view. The bad news is, once again, it’s a total pipe dream, costing $440,000. But it’s fun to have dreams, right?
Wanna take a virtual tour of my imaginary retro Seattle pad? Well thanks so much for coming, step right in and check out the view…
Oh condo, you had me at amazing view with a freaking fireplace. If you see the listing on you’ll see an agent left the comment “Unfortunate that the fire place is positioned directly in the middle of the gorgeous Puget Sound views.” But I actually think it’s awesome! I would hate to have to choose between staring at a fire, or starting at the water. This way, you have both. My stipulation in buying this condo would be that the retro TV would HAVE to stay.
In fact, I’m entirely in love with ALL the vintage televisions tucked into those perfect built-in bookshelves. I’d also request that red chair, but not-so-much the couch.
Upon purchasing my dream condo, I would take down that wall dividing the kitchen and the living room. Why block the view!?

Lookie what I just stumbled across... this is a 1960 AirStream that has been completely remodeled into a non-mobile mobile home, and then added on... Read more
Heading down the hall, you see the guest bathroom. I love the color scheme in here — from the floors to the bathroom sink.
Here’s the guest room/office. Look at all the mid-century modern goodness going on in here!
The master bedroom is meh, but it has a freaking waterfront view, so I’m sold. It looks like the deck wraps around to the bedroom, so I’m not sure why there’s no deck access — but I would rectify that problem asap.
Speaking of the deck, it’s apparently the largest in the complex. Oh yeah, baby.
I’m so glad you came to my dream Seattle condo tour. Let’s just virtually hang out right here until the next owner kicks us out.
My dream home is ANYTHING anywhere on or near a coast in Washington state. I drool all over Zillow sometimes looking at what’s for sale and sighing about my lack of being able to move (family, work, whatever).
You’d love it, Megan!!
I live on the Puget Sound about 45 minutes south of seattle in a small community of homes built on piers above the water. It’s sort of like living on a houseboat but without the boat… super close proximity, stair-only access (215 stairs to get to the car!), but the best views ever. Love being on the water… every summer night is like being on vacation. 🙂
Omg! I demand a home tour because that sounds like my freaking DREAM!!!
Agreed! (Except the stairs, which I would totally just get over to have that kind of view.)
Ha! I’ve been thinking about submitting, so maybe I’ll get my act together this summer and actually do it.
The stairs do separate our visitors into two distinct groups: people who get it and people who complain about having to go DOWN all those stairs. If down is your problem, you could not live here. 🙂
I was so let down by the bland master bedroom after seeing such a carefully-curated living room! But hey, with that view and that deck, I’d take it even as is!
RIGHT!? I was like *sad trombone* the moment I saw that bedroom photo. And why oh why wouldn’t they make access to the amazing deck in that room!?
I’m with you: I’d totally put a pair of French doors in place of those windows. I looooove French doors and only wish my own home had such a perfect place to put them. Imagine the breezes you could get off the ocean…
SWEET HEAVENS. Real estate is INSANE in Vancouver (BC) and the surrounding area. You could easily expect to pay that same amount for a no-view craphole on the periphery of the city. If you want a detached house, I think the average price of a detached home is somewhere around $800K for the whole lower mainland, not just Vancouver proper.
Homeowning is just NOT in the cards for me and my partner for the forseeable future, even though between the two of us, we make pretty decent money.
All that being said and tying it back to the subject of the post: I want to go to there.
I was just going to say!! I live in Edmonton AB, and while we don’t have any waterfronts, a home similar to that with a river valley view would easily cost $600K and only because the square footage is on the small side. Canada’s housing market is so crazy! I could own a winter home in Pheonix AND still pay for my mortgage in Edmonton for craps-sakes.
It’s true! I live in the Vancouver area too – I read the price of this place, and was like “Really? Thats the cost of a townhouse in Surrey….not waterfront!”
White Rock can cost 1million and above!
…I wish living in the most beautiful part of the country, didn’t equate with living in the most expensive.
I live in Sydney, where $440k gets you a unit in the exurbs.
I’ve heard that real estate issues are really similar in the two cities – I lived there for a short while in 2005/2006 and I can see why that, for all its faults (I was there during the Cronulla Riots; experienced some crazy extreme heat; lived with the mere idea of the Sydney Funnel Web)Sydney and the surrounding areas in NSW is so popular. By god, the beauty of your city. Sounds cliche, but it’s like a totally different world.
While the climate and flora/fauna are different, I found that the ratio of well-planned architecture to great patches of nature was very comparable to my home city. I just can’t seem to live away from the ocean.
Similar apartments on Hickson Rd, Sydney sell for $1.7 million. And that’s in a market slump.
My budget is $450-470k and I have no hope of finding anything CLOSE to this in my city 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
I was just thinking that $400 000 sounds like a steal for a waterfront condo like that. I also live in Edmonton and all the old small houses in my neighborhood run for $350-500k.
Whenever I look at the real estate prices in Phoenix, I also get very tempted.
Oh yeah, that price for waterfront is actually a pretty impressive deal. BUT STILL! too rich for my blood. waaaaaah.
I can’t wait to actually have my REAL dream home….a DOME….and max it out with the most amazing vintage mid-century pieces. 🙂
I’ve always loved the 50’s-60’s furniture and clothes…so needs be to combine them.
Love the MOD stuff up here in these pics. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I am thinking at some point to submit a room of mine here at the house and how i based my bathroom design off a shower curtain. LOL
HA! Come see what $440,000 will get you in Chicago.
This is a steal!