In June I found this all-zebra, all the time house in Bassett, Nebraska and found myself newly-inspired in thinking about house colors.
It’s fascinating! How do people choose the color of their home? How do neighbors react? So many Victorian homes are bright and colorful because that is their tradition, but they sit across the street from rows and rows of more beige houses.
I sorted and sorted through Flickr and found all these houses — SO MANY HOUSES — of a different color. And, surprisingly, so many really mean comments. I had to save these houses and present them to people who would truly appreciate their weirdness: the Homies.
And so, let’s look!

Sound off in the comments: which of these houses would you LEAST want in your neighborhood? Which one would you emulate on your own house?
I grew up driving by that purple polka-dotted house, and it has a little fuzzy place in my heart. I actually met the owners of it in my late teens, and they’re not at all who you would expect to live there :-p. I would be incredibly sad to see that house painted over with another colour.
Check out Flickr’s “Happy Houses New Orleans” group. If you like colorful houses, you should definitely come down to NOLA and take a tour.
Seems like (with a few exceptions) Americans like to keep their homes pretty neutral. I wish I had taken some pix but the other day I walked by 3 Dutch homes in a row with yellow, green, and purple trim respectively. In Haiti red and blue homes or green and yellow are pretty popular. Hatians really like to have a contrasting trim. Personally I’d rather have a home that sticks out so I could say “my house is the one with the orange trim” instead of “my home is the 3rd beige house on the left.”
we’re in a house we just bought last spring. the people who sold it to us painted it…beige. with a brown dormer. and off-white trim. the paint is already flaking (they didn’t remove all the loose paint before painting over), so we’re going to have to figure out what color to go with in the near future. what looks good on stucco? lol
out INTERIOR on the other hand…that was all beige too, but now we have a bright teal blue living room upstairs, a sort of terracotta red/orange living room downstairs, a bright green kiddo room, and our room is a medium grey color that’s just almost but not quite purple. lol
This one wins!
The Leopard print house actually looks more like a Giraffe print in person. Maybe we should all take a field trip over there to determine whether it’s a leopard or giraffe!