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trying to conceive

How trying to have a baby might change your sex life

I’m trying to get pregnant. I’m not taking the “go off the pill and see what happens” approach. I’m taking a more active approach. I’m thirty-four, and I think I want to have two kids. I’m not exactly worried about making that happen, but I figure that all else being equal, it’s best if we knock out the first one as soon as possible.

The journey of trying to conceive with my wife has changed the way I identify as a mom

Even though Carly and I knew we would want to have children together, we never had serious how-to discussions until last summer. I had a dream that I was carrying Carly’s baby, and I wanted it so badly that I was crying about it as I shared my dream with her. This sparked our baby planning. Ideally, we would choose in vitro fertilization (IVF), pick a sperm donor, have Carly’s egg fertilized, and I would carry her baby.

How do you manage the monthly highs and lows of trying to conceive?

I know the only way to get pregnant is to have sex, and I love boffing my husband, but making a baby is always in the back of my mind. It’s hard to hit the end of the month (begining of my cycle) without a week of hoping I’m pregnant followed by depression because I’m not.

How can I respond politely to unsolicited conception and child-raising advice?

My husband and I are planning to start trying to conceive this summer. I’m so excited about the prospect of starting our family and becoming a mother! We’re doing everything we can to prepare, and I want my friends and family to be excited for us too… but so far that’s not the response I’ve gotten.

How to track your cycles and chart your fertility without going super insane

Charting is a super, insanely useful way to get really amazingly in touch with your body and your cycles, but if you’re not careful, charting can drive you super insane.

What can I say to people who tell me I’ll get pregnant if I “just relax?”

“Oh, just CHILL OUT and you’ll be pregnant in no time!” Right? Right? Wrong.

Trying to conceive: Is it hard having a birthday near a holiday?

Kate wants to know: how much does it suck to have a birthday close to a major holiday?

Coming to terms with the limits of lesbian conception

As a lesbian, I know that there are many wonderful ways to start a family with my partner. But I’m also having to come to terms emotionally with the fact that I will never be able to physically conceive a baby with my future wife.