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How are you going to talk about drugs with your kids?

Here’s how I think about a drug like marijuana: it can be fun, but it’s by no means a path to greater enlightenment.

My teenage sister thinks she might be gay. How can I best support her?

Nadia’s teen sister recently confided that she feels attracted to females — how can Nadia best support her sister?

Get your teen back into reading (and get to know them better in the process!)

So, apparently something happens when kids hit thirteen: they no longer like reading. In 2007, the National Endowment for the Arts published a report on reading that found, among other things, “Teens and young adults read less often and for shorter amounts of time when compared with other age groups and with Americans of the past” and “reading is declining as an activity among teenagers.”

LGBT-themed books for tweens and high schoolers

There’s been a huge boost in quality and quantity of fiction and nonfiction with LGBT themes for kids and young adults. Many of the general themes and feelings are common to teens AND adults.

Buying Time: A feminist mom gets humbled

As a parent, I have accepted and even come to cherish the stages of development my kids weave in and out of … but I also more-recently realized, someday in the not-so-distant future, this little girl is going to fall in love, have sex, and quite likely have her heart broken.

Fighting with your teenage daughter can really suck

Meadow doesn’t seem to know how deeply I am affected by these fights… but maybe I don’t realize how they affect her.

I spent my teens in the Rotary Youth Exchange program and it ROCKED

Wanna ship your teen out for a while? Liz went to high school in JAPAN as an exchange student through the Rotary Youth Exchange program.

Prom gown shopping with an offbeat teen

My offbeat teen doesn’t know what she wants in a prom gown, but she definitely knows what she DOESN’T want — what to do?