Category Archive


Co-sleeping families: are your older kids able to go to sleep without you?

I have not yet fallen pregnant, and already I have every mother I know telling me to sleep train. Women who co-sleep are social pariahs, and my family regard the biggest mistake that a mother can make as “taking baby to bed with you.” Friends who have babies who go to sleep at a particular bedtime attribute this to sleep training, and are able to lead fairly pleasant social lives after 7pm because of it. Some women I know even claim that baby sleeps through the night from the get-go with sleep training.

Surviving toddlerhood: sleep training, meal negotiating, and discovering How It Really Is

This child is not that child. This child is a warrior. This child narrows her eyes, pulls down her mask affixed to her Medieval spiked helmet and unsheathes her sword. This child licks her lips and spits on the ground, never breaking eye contact. “Hello, Mother,” she quietly growls through her binky. “Welcome to Hell.”

The agony of sleeping together when you have insomnia (and my Ozzie and Harriet solution)

I’m an insomniac. The kind where I’ve occasionally laid in bed actually crying because I want to sleep so, so badly. And now I have a fiance. Being an insomniac is bad enough. Being an insomniac in love with a good sleeper is its own special kind of torture. But I might have come up with a solution…

Monsters aren’t real… but sometimes they are

I say, “I am just down the hall. You have nothing to fear. I am here and will protect you . I always will,” I tell her. “There are no monsters lurking in the dark.” I say these things. Even though a very big piece of me cringes. I promise her she is safe and that there are no such thing as monsters, but even as I say it, I feel the bitterness of the lie on my tongue.

The parent stays in the photo: part two

Yesterday we ran part one of photos featuring you guys and your parents. Since there were so many in the Flickr Pool we figured it made sense to split the posts into two. Without further ado, here’s part two!

This handcrafted heirloom Star Wars bassinet is perfect for your snoozing Padawan

Rebel Belle Wedding clients Dorian and Lynn are super deluxe Star Wars fans — the pair had a dinosaur/Star Wars-themed wedding that featured a real-life Millennium Falcon cake. Now they’re at it again, and this time they’ve got a baby on the way.

Let’s dream about sleeping porches

The last time I was over at my mom’s property, she was mentioning all the different places on her property where her and her partner like to sleep. They’ve set up beds on just about every deck, porch, and patio surface they could find. Now that it’s finally summer, I say ‘TIS THE SEASON for this kind of sleeping around. So let’s dream about some sleeping porches — and even one sleeping balcony, for those of us in the city.

5 reasons why I really, really, REALLY love my springless mattress

My husband and I have slept on springless mattresses the entire time we’ve known each other — so we’re coming up on six years of no-springs-in-our-bed glory. It’s been so heavenly that now I just wonder: why would you EVER sleep on anything else?