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Monday Moment: An ever-changing artistic display (with sexy imagary bonus)

Longtime Homie Vacantmuse sent her artsy shelf moment our way. I love her idea of making space for an ever-changing art display. Could this be the first Monday Moment “great idea of the day” combo!? I think so.

Thoughts on deciding whether or not to tell your kids you’re a sex worker

Back when I worked as a stripper, I was just about as out-and-proud as they come. I wrote a blog about stripping under my real name. I cofounded a magazine by and for sex workers. I found community in the sex worker rights movement. But when I gave birth to my daughter two years ago, I began to wonder if I should shut up about my years in the sex industry.

Family nudity: my sons see me nude at home

I have always been a nudie booty in my own home. I would come home from work or class and just shed my clothes. It’s not so much that I dislike clothes; I actually love them quite a bit. Not too long after the big gender reveal of our latest pregnancy, my husband came home and found me and our son playing in the bath tub together. He very calmly said “Don’t you think you should start covering up around him, he’s getting a little old for that.”

How big is your backseat?: Sex after moving back with your parents

In the past few years, with the economy tanking and all, the “boomerang generation” has really made a name for itself. You go to school, leave home, and then… you come back. The thing is, as much as I loved free rent, I hated the logistics of trying to have sex.

Make subtly sexy art with your partner

Are you in unique position where you’d love to make a giant piece of sexy art for your wall, but you really just want to spend all your free time having lots of sex? Well you are in luck because now you can do BOTH at the same time! Check out this subtly sexy art idea…

Italian treehouse with the peekaboo bathroom

Sometimes I take virtual vacations via Airbnb, and often find myself in some of the coolest spots imaginable. This time I journied to the heart of Tuscany to find a treehouse called The Black Cabin with the sexiest bathroom shower stall setup I’ve ever seen.

What is sex like during various stages of pregnancy?

I’m not currently pregnant or planning to be anytime soon, but I think I might have kids… some day. I have tons of questions about pregnancy and raising children, but whenever I really think about pregnancy I inevitably always wonder: what is sex like while you’re pregnant?

Did you compromise with your partner on finding out your baby’s sex?

My husband and I are expecting our first child and will be able to find out the sex of the baby soon. I want it to be a surprise, but he hates surprises and is adamantly against the idea of waiting until the birth to find out if we’re having a boy or a girl.