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Fierce diabetic mom-to-be refuses to let the ‘betes keep her down

I am not a shy, vulnerable, brittle diabetic. I am fierce, and I am looking for my fellow fierce, pancreatic-challenged tribe.

Expert advice for bad-ass maternity boudoir shots

A good photographer can capture a lot of things. A stolen glance from two lovers, the way light softly plays with the highlights of a baby’s hair, the forlorn beauty of a tree dancing in the wind. If a good photographer meets a bold mom-to-be, the ensuing photos can be stunning.

An interview with Pushba, the Russian goth mama

As we all know, I’m a little obsessed with Pushba, the Russian mama who is clearly not afraid to let her personality shine so bright that it’s blinded me here in Seattle, some 5000 miles away.

…And my midwife makes three

I’ll be honest, my motives for seeking out natural childbirth started many years ago and sprang from a very rational fear of gigantic needles. I was scared senseless by the idea of a lightning rod going into my spine, and thought the pain of childbirth had to be preferable.

My pregnancy was unplanned, so why am I so heartbroken over this miscarriage?

For most women week 13 is the time they get to relax as the “danger time” for miscarriage has passed. My week 13 involved getting a bad sign, and the doctor confirming what I already feared was going on: my pregnancy hormone levels had already plummeted, which meant you weren’t alive anymore.

Silk wrap skirts, for when you can’t be bothered by maternity jeans

So there I was, lamenting the sad state of maternity pants in the world when one of the good mamas from the Twitter universe chimed in with a great idea: Forgo pants altogether. Who needs pants? Pants are awkwardly sized, too short, and a general nuisance. Dispense with them altogether and wear pretty, flowy skirts! […]

Hoodwinked, one father’s take on the circumcision debate

I understand all of the arguments for and against circumcision, which makes this decision even more difficult. There a lot of things to take into account; religious, societal, medical and familiarity…

I left the music festival because it was too loud: Untangling the threads of a impending offbeat mama identity crisis

My identity as an electronic music fan (yes, ok fine: raver) dates back to 1996. But things shifted when I got pregnant.