Category Archive


Belly dancing + pregnancy = awesome

Have you ever considered learning to belly dance — while PREGNANT? These women show you it’s not as hard as you might think.

Adiós U.S. health care system: I’m having my baby in Mexico

Molly and her husband have decided to ditch the American health system and give birth to their second child in Mexico.

Why I almost decided to have an unassisted birth

I currently live in North Carolina — where traditional midwifery is illegal. At 37, I’m also “of advanced maternal age.” This means, no one wants to deliver my baby.

My Big Fat Queer Jewish Family

David Shneer, his partner Gregg, and their friend Caryn are a “three-parent, two-house, one-home family” getting ready to bring a new life into the world. Much to his chagrin, the number one question he’s receiving is “Which one of you is the father?”

Who needs Baby Mozart when there’s Pandora?

Baby Mozart be damned! Jamie and her husband play their growing baby a selection of tunes from Pandora every night!

Amazing maternity session (On a bed! In a forest!) from Last Forty Percent Photography

Emma’s maternity session took place on a gigantic bed in the middle of a FOREST.

An interview with Viviana of Mamás y Bebés

Viviana is the woman behind the super awesome Spanish-language website Mamás y Bebés. In this interview we talk babies and compare/contrast North American and Central & South American parenting styles.

Mommy had an abortion

“Don’t look at the screen,” the doctor said as she turned it away. But I already had. I saw a little blob with leg and arm buds. And a flickering heartbeat.