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Cycling with contractions — would you ride your bike to the hospital while in labor?

So, you thought labor was hard when you had to DRIVE to the hospital during contractions, right? What if you were RIDING YOUR BIKE?

How did having twins change your life?

My husband and I got the shock of our lives at our first ultrasound at 20 weeks. (We didn’t feel the need for an ultrasound until we wanted to find out the sex of the baby.) “Did you know there were two babies in there?” the technician said. With no fertility treatments or history of twins in my family, suddenly I went from pregnant with my first baby to pregnant with my first two babies!

Celebrating thirty-nine weeks of a day-glo pregnancy

Remember Katie and her spectacular day-glo maternity photos? Well, she took ANOTHER round at 39 weeks, this time with her family and plenty of stripes in tow. This set was also shot by Tampa-based Evol Photography, so all you Floridians may want to look into her work!

Morning sickness got you down? Here are my favourite places to throw up

Anyway, after discussing barfing at length with a few people, someone brought up the notion of refusing to throw up in a toilet. “Uh, why?”, I asked naively.

The journey of trying to conceive with my wife has changed the way I identify as a mom

Even though Carly and I knew we would want to have children together, we never had serious how-to discussions until last summer. I had a dream that I was carrying Carly’s baby, and I wanted it so badly that I was crying about it as I shared my dream with her. This sparked our baby planning. Ideally, we would choose in vitro fertilization (IVF), pick a sperm donor, have Carly’s egg fertilized, and I would carry her baby.

How can I maintain ownership of my body while I’m pregnant?

I’m experiencing a bit of a problem — it seems like everyone wants to “own” my baby. What I mean by this is the off-hand, “Hey that’s my grandson in there, be careful,” when I walk down the stairs, or “My nephew should have an apple,” when I’m picking out my lunch. I know it is coming from a place of love but I’m struggling both with the immediate reaction of “What if I don’t want a freaking apple?” and the lingering feeling of flags getting staked on my belly from people claiming my child before he is even born?

Talk to me about your exciting pregnancy-friendly sports, and post-baby sport motivations

I recently had taken up breakdance, boxing, and roller derby in one go (sometimes all three consecutively on the same weekday evenings). I just found out I’m pregnant, and the downside to the pregnancy is that I’ll have to put some of my sporting activities on hold. How have other moms found the motivation after baby arrived to get back into sports again?

Our great adventure: traveling and starting a family

We left Seattle/Tacoma to try out Eastern Oregon rural living a few years ago, thinking that we would probably settle down and start a family shortly thereafter. We became small-town homebodies of a sort, and if there was ever a form of “adult nesting” out there, I think we were trying to practice it. We even rented a larger home expecting that the guest room would eventually turn into a nursery. All of this completely great because it was a future that we both truly wanted — a family life.