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I’m pregnant and looking for a job — how do I deal with pregnancy discrimination?

My husband and I had been trying to conceive for several months, and in a burst of the kind of irony that seems to fill my life, succeeded exactly on the night before I lost my job. How can I convince interviewers that I’m worth the risk even though I’ll need 12 weeks off in the first year they have me on board?

Let’s talk about baby memorial tattoo ideas

I had my first miscarriage June 21, 2011 at 16 weeks. My second miscarriage was April 15, 2012 at 11 weeks. I want memorial tattoos for my babies. I’d love to know what ideas you guys have for memorial tattoos, and what some of you have used in the past.

Where can I go to find answers to all of my non-biological family planning questions?

I have been pregnant. I have had a child. He has reached his first birthday, and passed it by a few months. I feel that now is the time to start thinking about if, when, and how I might add a sibling for him. re there any Offbeat Mamas (or Sponsors!) who know how to find a family planning counseling or advice service for people who are looking to have children in a less conventional way?

Is it cultural appropriation if I give my white, American baby a Japanese name?

When I was pregnant with my first child, I had my heart set on a specific Japanese name (Sakura) for my child. Her father dismissed the idea because the baby wasn’t Japanese, and we ended up naming our daughter Evelynn.

What kind of pregnancy announcement gifts do you give hip grandparents-to-be?

My husband and I recently found out I’m pregnant and would like to tell our families around Christmas. I think it would be fun to get cute Grandma and Grandpa gifts and see their reaction when they open them. My parents are really HIP though — like hippie cool, and would never want a necklace that says “Grandma’s Angels” or a sign that says “What happens at Grandpa’s stays at Grandpa’s.”

I’m genderqueer and pregnant: how my tattoos are helping me maintain my identity

Throughout the years I have experienced many different responses to my tattoo work. My tattoos are very personal — the experiences and tattoos themselves are very spiritual to me and all my work has deep symbolic meaning. I’ve recently found myself 35 and pregnant (something I never thought would happen), and my pregnancy has uncovered another benefit to my tattoos.

Is it even possible to decline my work’s baby shower?

I work in a small corporate office and we celebrate birthdays and things, including baby showers. I don’t want a baby shower thrown for me for the sake of being consistent by my co-workers who complained about me, and my family and friends are both planning two already; this would also be a bit superfluous.

An intimate representation of a celebration of life: my husband took my maternity photos and I love them

Ever since I was a teenager I always wanted to get professional shots when I was heavily pregnant, because I’ve always found the pregnant form to be absolutely exquisite. However, I was swamped under work for the last several weeks of my pregnancy which meant that I ran out of time and was unable to get a professional shoot. Being the determined (stubborn) person that I am, I still really wanted to get some photos, because I didn’t think I’d ever feel so confident in myself again.