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How do you know if a birth center is the right choice for you?

I am pregnant with my second child and every bit of reading I’ve done has led me to believe I had an unnecessary cesarean delivery with my firstborn. At this point, I am not certain I trust any of the practitioners at my hospital and worry that a change of hospital may result in the same scenario being played out in a different location. I would absolutely never be able to forgive myself if I put my birth experience over the well-being of my child. How do you know if birthing at a center (or outside of a hospital) is the right choice for you?

My OB is pushing a lot of scans for my low-risk pregnancy: how do I stand up for myself?

I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first child. So far, everything looks good, and I am considered to be low-risk. My question is about how to say no to my OB. For various reasons, a midwife was not a good option for us. We chose an OB who has a great reputation for low-intervention deliveries and for respecting mothers’ wishes. I don’t agree with the over-medicalization of pregnancy, so I thought we were on the same page.

Does anyone write kid’s books about family friends being pregnant?

All the children’s books about pregnancy I’ve seen are “Mommy’s having a baby” or “I’m going to be a big sister.”

I’m not sure I’m comfortable breastfeeding around my 7-year-old: help?

I have a seven-year-old daughter and am pregnant with my second child. I plan on breastfeeding this baby as I did with my first — but I like to keep breastfeeding private. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with breastfeeding in front of others, but I’m just not personally comfortable doing it. How do I deal with my need for privacy while breastfeeding when my older child is around?

My plan for raising Pagan children

I intend to raise my child in a Pagan household. I’ve come to see that this means different things to different people, and a lot of it probably has to do with our own experiences of childhood and religion.When I say “raising a child Pagan,” I mean that he or she will be living their life in a largely Pagan household.

Comfy flats for early pregnancy and post-partum living

For some of us, comfy shoes are a BIG DEAL during pregnancy. I remember being surprised by how quickly my feet started aching during my first trimester, and it was to the comfy shoes that I trod.

When do you need to cut back on physically demanding tasks during pregnancy?

I am a female mechanic, and I’m pregnant. Although my doctor has told me my body will let me know when I need to cut back on the heavy lifting, I’d like a better idea of when to expect that.

A rockabilly maternity session featuring the whole family

I am super stoked to share this maternity session featuring Silvia, Geo, and Mia today — the rockabilly theme and tin can phone is the cutest combination of ideas! These photos were taken by Minerva Photography in Davie, Florida.