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A spring-themed maternity photo session in a greenhouse

Nicole and George were ready to shoot their maternity photos to celebrate the impending arrival of their first child, but were stuck: they live in Massachusetts, and at the time of the session it was still cold outside. Luckily their photographer Amie Fedora Photography knew of a warm spot: the greenhouses at Wellesley College. The photos are a sweet capture of the excitement of new life — complete with flowers to boot!

What potentially embarrassing postpartum things will I need?

I’m expecting my first child and keep coming across registry suggestion lists for cute onesies and baby stuff. But what I really need help with is knowing what possibly embarrassing stuff I am going to need after the baby is here.

No, I’m not pregnant — and I never want to be again

A friend of mine (the mother of one of my daughter’s classmates) said hello to me at a school function a few weeks ago. After pleasantries were exchanged and she noticed I was on my way out with one of my kids in tow, she asked a seemingly harmless question.

How we used silly string to reveal our baby’s sex

If you’ve heard of gender reveal parties, you probably know how they go — people usually use colored cake or balloons to reveal the sex of their baby to family and friends. When it came to our own baby, I wasn’t as interested in having an actual party as much as I wanted a fun way to find out the news. That’s right — we had our party without even knowing ahead of time if we were having a boy or a girl!

I’m pregnant and my partner and I just split up: where do I go from here?

I am very, very lucky to have an extraordinary group of family and friends-made-family who are loving and supportive, but I’m struggling with feelings of profound sadness that I am now going to be a single parent. I’m hoping to reach out to people who have had similar experiences: how did you build a community while expecting, and how did/do you maintain a dialog with your partner about the pregnancy, birthing plans, and vision for the child’s future?

Two women undergo IVF to share the physical experience of making a baby

Allison and her wife both wanted to experience different parts of baby-making and parenthood, so they decided to do partner-assisted in vitro fertilization. Here’s the story of how Alison got pregnant with her wife’s baby

Your OMGI’MPREGNANT stories: the feelings that come with peeing on a stick

In keeping with our day’s theme, I asked our Facebook friends how they reacted when they peed on a stick and found out they were pregnant! Three hours later, there were over 75 reponses… here are a few that had to be shared.

My friend just had an abortion — how do I tell her I’m pregnant without re-opening fresh wounds?

Last month, one of my best friends shared with our group of friends that she had an abortion. I was one of the few who supported her choice outright and stood up for her. During this same time, my husband and I started trying to conceive. We’ve just found out that we are already pregnant! How do I tell my best friend I’m pregnant, while still affirming that I support her and her decision to end her pregnancy?