Category Archive

lil kids

How I’m overcoming my abusive childhood to become a loving, patient parent

Ah, the bedtime ritual. Oh how I love the constant interruptions of a good movie, dinner or maybe even a make-out session because my little one has decided to defy sleep. Something happens to her sleepy body when I leave her bedroom. My absence acts as an amphetamine for her. I put her down, I leave the room, she gets out of bed. Sometimes she fakes exhaustion to get her little game going, and I fall for her deception every time.

May the force be with you: Star Wars-themed family photos featuring Leia breastfeeding an Ewok

The title alone should let you know I am obviously in love with these photos: kids and their mom dressed as characters from Star Wars? A nursing Ewok? YOU GUUUUYS. I was mega thrilled when these shots from Ashlynn Imagery popped up in our Flickr pool, and I’m even more excited to share them.

Funky monster-themed accessories for your kid… or for you

I actually met the brains behind Htavos Kooky Monster Art Shop at Geek Girl Con, and purchased one of their “La-La Monsters” (they’re designed by his five-year-old niece!) — which unfortunately don’t appear to be listed at the shop! But you can snag one of these Toaster and Pop Tart Twin Plushies, which are suuuper cute.

In case you forget: the rest of the world keeps on going even after you have a kid

My husband and I were THOSE super-liberal kids: we brazenly (and somewhat immaturely) ranted and raved about The State of The World, felt smug about the fact that we only watched independent media, and derided anyone who didn’t agree that of course social programs should be available for anyone who needs them, and of course the food we eat is loaded up with a thousand things that are killing us, and of course we were right. About everything.

How you can hack a TV console and make a play kitchen

Back in the very recent past, TVs were big bulky things that played cassettes (also very bulky) via large awkward contraptions. This whole set-up took up a lot of space, and consoles like these were pretty ubiquitous. Chances are, you know someone who one that’s not being used — or you could cruise a thrift store and find plenty. In fact, I scored this one for $18 at a local shop.

Embracing toddlerhood in all of its bedazzled, pop-star-inspired incarnations

My foster son Noah dances like a bedazzled, hormone-charged pop star. His foray into mock super-stardom is very likely the result of being babysat all summer along with his hyper-girlie cousin who is six years old going on 16, and his four-year-old sister who emulates everything said older cousin does. Noah is regularly subjected to marathon sessions of trying to nail down the choreography in Miley Cyrus’s “Hoedown Throwdown” and other tween delights.

Some people get things and some people don’t: how do you explain privilege to your kids?

I’m curious: how do various offbeat parents explain privilege to your kids? Not the “you’ve lost your computer privileges for the day, young lady!” kind of privilege, but the kind of privilege we talk about in social justice work: advantages our society hands to people based on their (perceived or actual) identities and experiences.

For the gamers: five great Nintendo DS games for kids

As an avid gamer I often find myself wandering the video game section and observing the myriad of parents attempting to choose a video game for their child. More often than not the parents choose a totally age inappropriate game (Resident Evil for a six year old?) or a game that is just plain bad. I understand that not everyone enjoys video games and that the sheer number of available games can be overwhelming so here is a list of five amazing, fun and educational (!!!) Nintendo DS games for kids that their parents might enjoy as well.