Category Archive


Achieving a love-filled homebirth

Amy and her partner, Mary, planned a homebirth with their first son, but circumstances didn’t work in their favor. Happily for them, their second son’s birth took place in their home.

This 3-year-old knows more about gender than you do

Unlike many of us adults who stumble around trying to read cues from other people, stressing over using the wrong words, kids learn to just ask: “Should I use boy words, girl words, or something else to describe you?”

Thoughts on the 0% abuse rate in American lesbian families

Huffington Post recently released an article entitled Child Abuse Rate at Zero Percent in Lesbian Households. Lynzie asks: “Why is this not surprising?”

2 moms + 1 gorgeous baby = this magical family portrait

“Inspired by a news article I read in today’s Huffington Post citing findings from a study by the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study (NLLFS), I share this photo…”

The United States won’t recognize my gay marriage or family, so I guess we have to leave

Vera and her partner are married and expecting their first baby in a few months — and also getting ready to leave the country, a choice that isn’t necessarily their own.

Are children of Lesbians better behaved?

Researchers just reported that “children in lesbian homes scored higher than kids in straight families on some psychological measures of self-esteem and confidence.” Why’s that?

20 kid-lit books off the beaten path

Not all kids books are created equal. Kids aren’t stupid – they’re just, well, young. They need good literature too!

A Letter to my Wifey

This is my paltry effort to tell the world just a few of the reasons why you are the absolute fucking bomb.