Pretty-up your kitchen sink to make dishwashing more enjoyable
Our kitchen sink is awful. It only has one basin, it was disgusting when we moved in, and seems to love hanging onto water spots. We have a dishwasher but a lot of our dishes have to be hand-washed, and that’s usually my job. Since I despise washing dishes I came up with a couple ideas to make it less awful…
From ’80s fridge to a brightly coloured message station
Homie Cheryl Hellcat is just killing it with craftiness — Lord of the Rings table, driftwood key rack, and bird feeders and baths made from plates. Now let’s all oggle her fridge make-over…
I abandoned the microwave and haven’t looked back
A few years ago I was watching an episode of one of Jamie Oliver’s cooking shows. He noted, with an air of superiority, that he doesn’t even own a microwave. I remember thinking that he was a) wrong, and b) preachy. But the idea of having my shit so damn together that I didn’t need the convenience of a microwave stuck with me.
Say “bye!” to soggy soap with a waterfall soap dish
This slanted soap dish drains excess water away from your soap and into your sink or shower.
Taking back the dishes: Fixing my kitchen angst
The truth is that my flatmates and I are pretty good about evenly sharing work. The truth is, when I did the dishes it was usually totally my turn. The truth is, when I was angsting about dishes, probably my flatmates were angsting about their own hot-button chore items, like mowing the lawn, or having a clear dining room table. And, universal truth is, the only person I can change is me. So I took back the dishes. And I found my Dishes Zen.
Use contact paper to snazzy-up your boring fridge
Not too long ago, I saw a picture of a normally boring white fridge with some nice zippy chevron stripes. I was so jealous, and knew that I had to do something to my fridge. This is how a dollar store bag and some contact paper helped me transform my once-boring fridge.
Clever storage solutions for small, “two-butt” kitchens
I have a small kitchen, or as my dad refers to it — a “two-butt” kitchen. It’s just a galley kitchen with appliances on one side and a couple cabinets and drawers on the other. Therefor, I’ve had to get creative with my storage solutions. If you’re currently suffering from a bad case of two or one-butt kitchen, you might want to invest in some of these small-space storage helpers…
Use bedroom furniture in your kitchen
Tucked into this home tour of a Delaware split level, Homie Heather B offered up a gem of a great idea for your kitchen.