Category Archive


Part-time work means I earn less, but I live more

I’m not a lazy person. In fact, I love working. When I work, I work hard. I get shit done. But I’ve decided that having one job to go to every weekday, all the time, is just not for me. Maybe I can’t leave behind my teenage anarchist ways. Maybe I’m a beatnik stuck in the wrong time. Maybe I just can’t hack it. Or maybe there is a better way for me.

I caught that dream I was chasing. Now what?

Have you ever seen a little dog chasing a squirrel? Have you seen the look of surprise and bewilderment on the dog’s face when it caught the squirrel it was chasing — almost by accident, it seems? Chasing a squirrel, or a dream, is fun. You’re not risking a lot, because it’s not like you’ll actually catch it, right? But then you do. You caught the shit out of that squirrel! But now what? What do you do with this elusive concept of a squirrel, once you’ve finally caught it? Suddenly, it’s real — and maybe you’re no longer sure you want this squirrel.

Why I consider “homemaker” one of my jobs

I’ve always heard the term “homemaker” applied to people who don’t do anything else, a PC term for “unemployed and not looking.” If you had another job, no matter what it was, that was how you identified yourself. But I’m an editor and a homemaker, and I’m proud of both of those jobs.

I dislike being a housewife: My struggle with being financially dependent on my spouse

Many women dislike the word “housewife” because of implications of feminism and the stigma of gendered domestic roles. I dislike the word “housewife” because I am one. Well, I don’t dislike the word itself but the actual role. I dislike being a housewife! My husband is not to blame for this; he even tries to mitigate the situation. Its all in my head. But I can’t be the only who feels like this. Whether you prefer the term “housewife/husband,” “homemaker,” or another term entirely, how do you deal with the discomfort of financial dependency on a spouse?

Shift work: Learning to love our offbeat schedules

My fiancé is a police officer. The biggest hurdle this job presents to us as a couple is the schedule. He works afternoon shift and his “weekend” is Wednesday and Thursday. I work a regular daytime Monday through Friday job. After a few years of living together we’ve worked out a happy situation and even found positives in the shift work shuffle.

Killing my potential: I have a fear of success

I looked at my list of life goals and realized that most of my dreams were still just dreams. I was crestfallen and, quite frankly, furious with the world for doing this to me. I spent a few years becoming more and more frustrated with the world. One day I realized something, it wasn’t the world; it was me. It was actually all my fault. I knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I had the talent, the passion, and I had those damn dreams. I also had something else though: fear.

Walking while you work?: The treadmill desk is a thing

We’ve talked about standing desks before, and I totally see their benefit. But OMG check out this standing treadmill desk. I can’t tell if this is genius or ridiculous.

How do I make K-Cup storage look cool?

Like many other workplaces across the country, the Keurig obsession has hit our office — they have these nifty little containers for making coffee, tea, or just about any other hot drink you can imagine, and saves lots of time. But how on earth do you display them in a non-boring way?