Category Archive

hospital birth

How to pull off a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) like a pro

My older sister, who also had a VBAC, had told me that “it hurts and then it’s over.” I was skeptical at the time but it’s true! It hurts, and then it’s over! And you have a baby in your arms to show for it!

The story of how Princess Lasertron birthed her babytron

Meg of Princess Lasertron makes beautiful felt bouquets loved by Offbeat Brides … and this spring she gave birth to her daughter!

A water birth story

I floated through my labor, literally and figuratively. I spent seven hours in a big round tub, making my own waves as each contraction made waves through my body.

You did not fail just because your birth didn’t go as planned

We often think we have control over our lives — but ultimately each of us has to grapple with that which is beyond our control. We have to learn about surrender.

Miracle baby proves there’s no such thing as a 100% diagnosis

From the age twelve years I have been told I would never carry a child to term. There were days of depression, fears of never having my own children, feeling like an oddity that I didn’t menstruate like my friends and all around not feeling like a “real” woman. Eventually I came to the conclusion […]

Bonnaroomama’s baby photos

bonnaroomama explains: “After my son was born, complications from my c-section left me hospitalized for about three weeks. My family worked very hard to keep my son near me and support my breastfeeding efforts.” It looks like despite those rough first three weeks, Bonnaroomama and her family have gone on to enjoy a rich life […]

How to find the perfect midwife or OBGYN for your birth

You have mentioned the necessity of finding a health practitioner you trust and feel a connection with. Do you have any tips for how to go about this? Are there particular questions you recommend asking to help “screen” potential midwives and doctors? Any responses that should trigger a warning? The very first step is to […]

A premature baby can change your entire birth plan

Our baby, Jasper, was born on 27 March 2009 in Portland, Oregon. My husband and I moved to Portland in December of 2008, and I hooked up with the nurse midwives at OHSU for our birth shortly thereafter. Before going into his birth story, let me preface this by saying that my husband, Sean, and […]