Why ditching my kid to go exercise makes me a better parent
Something I often get mom guilt about is leaving the house to workout. The truth is, leaving the house to get a workout in helps make me a better parent! And it could do the same for you, here’s why…
Surviving a family stomach bug: A single mom’s guide (based on true events)
As if a family-wide vomiting spree wasn’t horrific enough, you’re mummy, you’re in charge of this literal shit show.
So how does one nurse delicate constitutions when one is incredibly fragile one’s self? Here’s what I learned “in the field” with a family stomach bug…
13 pieces of plus sized gym advice for newbies
It is hard being the fat girl at gym sometimes. Some things I do to help cope, include reminding myself I’m not the only bigger person there, coming up with a goal for my session, focusing on other things, wearing clothes I love…
Trust me, I have a long list of tricks up my sleeve to get through as a plus sized gym newbie!
Remember to take your vitamins with this pill labeling hack
Exercise instructor SarahRose is not just a good teacher, but she’s also a smarty (and a smart-ass) when it comes to pill labeling.
We decided to share her pill labeling hacks with you…
D-mannose: why don’t more people know about this natural UTI cure?
There I was last fall: in San Francisco, visiting a “friend” (wink wink ow my eye) and feeling a UTI coming on again. Friends, it happens. What with the timing of my flight back home and the weekend, I knew it’d be a least a week before I’d be able to see my doctor back in Seattle, and so I fired up Ye Olde Google and tried to see what natural home treatments I could find… and I learned about D-Mannose.
How a Harry Potter-themed “virtual race” got me off my ass IRL
My mind was blown. How in the hell could a running club or a race be virtual? I looked into it a little more (let’s be real…I Googled the term “virtual race”) and was astounded at how many I found, and absolutely gobsmacked at how many of them had amazingly geeky themes.
This was the perfect combination of external motivation (shiny medals) and appealing to my sense of altruism (some races donated money to cancer research) to get me up off my ass and moving.
How to stay positive through a scary diagnosis
It’s so easy to slip into a cycle of hating your body when it’s not working properly. It’s easy to feel bitter, alone, resentful and just all-around negative and depressed when your body is unhealthy in ways beyond your control, and all of those feelings are completely valid. I’ve chosen to stay positive and live my life in spite of my diseases, which is totally more easily said than done. Here’s how I do it…
Sleep hygiene: protecting your sleep and your sanity during an information war
A friend mentioned that in order to combat her news-triggered anxiety, she was focusing on creating nighttime and morning routines to help protect her time in bed as precious and not to be fucked with. Basically, she’s making rituals to protect the sacred space of FUCKING SLEEPING.
This is what’s known as “sleep hygiene,” and of course it’s important all the time… but maybe extra important during times like these, when the cultural anxiety is through the roof. You can’t get shit done if you’re exhausted. Sleep is crucial.