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Halloween doesn’t have to be about October… for those of us who are goth, it’s a year-round vibe.

Halloween recipe round-up: appetizers, snacks, and desserts

Let’s talk about Halloween FOOD! I found a few cool recipes around the internet — you’ve got your caramel toffee fruit dip, meringue ghosts, and candy corn cupcakes right here, but this list is HARDLY exhaustive. There’s a whole world of Halloween eating goodness out there! After you’ve read these and been inspired, leave your favorite recipes in the comments and share the spooktacular knowledge.

What should we do at my Halloween party?

I’d like to ask Offbeat Homies how they party at Halloween.

I’m hosting the party for my group this year, and … what do people DO at Halloween parties?

The family that Star Wars costumes together stays together

I have two boys who are very particular about costumes — it is pointless for me to even offer suggestions. It is just not a battle worth fighting for me. A few years ago they decided they wanted to be Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker. I’m not the biggest fan of dressing up, but we found ourselves invited to a costume party at which EVERYONE was supposed to wear costumes — kids and adults. I relinquished control and let the boys decide what the rest of the family should be… and of course they chose Star Wars characters.

Calling all aspiring flappers, Marios, and baby dragons: let’s talk about what your family is going to be for Halloween

Who wants to do some Halloween window shopping?! Even if you already think you know what your various family members are going as this year (please tell me SOMEONE has a family that’s all going as Harry Potter characters), you might be pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming amount of awesome that’s available out there.

Creating a creepy year-round house that doesn’t feel “Halloweeny”

Where can you find horror decor that’s not Halloween tchotchkes? And how can you keep the creepy spirit in your home year-round, without just looking like you forgot to take down your Halloween decorations?

Aging beers in casks and imagining pet bats — reader photos

Start your day with our collection of interesting articles on the web and photos from our readers. In these Clicky Links you’ll find lots of sites to waste a little time on — and you’ll find a host of uses for missile silos.

Click through, too, to find our links on submitting YOUR stuff to Offbeat Home!

Recycle your halloween pumpkin as yummy refrigerator soup

Buying a huge vegetable, setting it outside for a few days, then throwing it away bothers me. Inspiration hit when a friend explained “refrigerator soup,” made from whatever veg was a little past its prime. If this soup works for slightly saggy veg, couldn’t it work for my old pumpkins too?

May the force be with you: Star Wars-themed family photos featuring Leia breastfeeding an Ewok

The title alone should let you know I am obviously in love with these photos: kids and their mom dressed as characters from Star Wars? A nursing Ewok? YOU GUUUUYS. I was mega thrilled when these shots from Ashlynn Imagery popped up in our Flickr pool, and I’m even more excited to share them.