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My best friends are from the internet

We live in a world where online dating is becoming increasingly mainstream ( recently funded a study that showed one-in-five relationships now start online) but somehow, finding friends online is still seen as abnormal. And that, to put it eloquently, is really dumb.

How do I support a friend who says she wishes she didn’t have kids?

While the topics we discuss are different now than before kids, most of the time I think we’re getting along alright. Occasionally one of the new parents will make comments about wishing they were childless again, and I don’t know how to respond to these comments. I get blowing off some steam, but at what point is it more than just frustration and something I should be concerned with?

When love becomes thicker than blood

In January of 2012, I chose to become a single mother. I packed what I could I fit into our minivan and left my fiancé of five years, my “son” whom I had raised since he was six-months-old, and an unhealthy partnership. I parked in a parking lot, only blocks from our house and cried. My two sons slept quietly in their car seats.

Friends are the family I’ve chosen for myself

There are a couple of clichés that get that way because they’re so damn true. Some that have been true for our family of two is that friends are the gods’ apology for families, friends are the family we choose for ourselves, and friends walk in when everyone else walks out. My patchwork quilt of family is mostly made of beautiful friendships, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Throw weekly TV dates: Sundays = zombies, friends, and food

Every Sunday night, six close friends all get together to watch “The Walking Dead” TV series. We’ve done it for all the past seasons as well. The basic plan is simple…

Send your friends on their way with a road trip care package

My best friend since I was a child/my downstairs neighbor just packed up and moved away. She’s driving with her husband and two dogs in tow from Los Angeles to their new home state of South Carolina. I didn’t know what to get her for a “going away present” so I put together a little road trip care package. Here’s what I included…

Do you take parenting advice from non-parents seriously?

I don’t have any kids of my own, but I have been a full time nanny for children ranging from newborn to 15 years old throughout the years. My friends have just started having children of their own, and the pleas for advice on Facebook seem endless. I feel that I have a lot of experience dealing with many common situations that arise during parenting but I am not actually a parent — so does that make me unqualified to give any advice?

I was my best friend’s surrogate

All of the events and relationships involved in my birth story were put into place nine years ago when my best friend and I met. I’ve watched my best friend and her husband struggle with infertility for years, and one day simply said: “You know I’d have a baby for you, right?” That sentence started the most amazing journey.