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Sansa is a strong character

High-key femininity isn’t weakness and here’s why Sansa proves it

Why is Sansa Stark presumed weak because she is high-key feminine? And what the hell make a female character “strong” anyway? Let’s lay out Sansa’s more powerful turns and see if a dress-wearing, high-key feminine character (even in a fictional Medieval-style universe) can overcome her gender spectrum stigma. Femininity doesn’t undercut feminism, and here’s why Sansa proves it…

Why are female politicians STILL getting looks-shamed?

Why are female politicians STILL getting looks-shamed?

When Hillary Clinton was running for president, there was a troubling amount of talk about her “stamina” and her “look.” Now Theresa May was called out for looking “heavily made up, as if she’s been crying.” So what’s the deal — why are we still having to dodge distraction headlines about the looks of female politicians?

Woman walking strong: I stopped giving way on the sidewalk and found my power

I decided to experiment with what I thought of as “walking strong.” It felt unfair to be constantly vigilant and pre-emptively moving out of people’s way. My hypothesis was that holding my ground would be much less stressful. I walked as if in tadasana (mountain pose) and immediately felt more powerful.

On the sidewalk, I had a constant buzz of adrenaline, feeling like I was playing chicken with every person coming at me. I quickly noticed something…

My short skirt is NOT an invitation to be sexually harassed

Apparently one out of three Australian women are afraid to walk down the street alone, especially after dark. We don’t live in a country where intimidation, degradation, or violence against women is acceptable — so what the hell is going on?

It’s time to educate both men and women about this issue. It’s time to stop bullying each other into acting or wearing what most think of as “socially acceptable.” Here are a few points that you could consider to empower yourself, or share with others that this issue affects…

Lucy Davis as Etta Candy in Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is bad-ass, but here’s why I love Etta Candy even more

Have you seen Wonder Woman yet? If not, get thee to a theater and enjoy some of the best ripped-women-kicking ass you’ve seen in ages. But I’m not here today to talk of Diana, Amazonian demigod of our dreams, but rather, plus size winner of our hearts, Etta Candy.

Etta is big, bold, adorable, and loves her damn self thankyouverymuch. Here’s why Etta Candy is the hero we need AND deserve…

Screw the “romantic mystique” — let’s think about love

We base some of the biggest decisions of our lives on romantic love, and yet we resist actually examining love… for fear of overthinking it and somehow erasing its magic. FUCK THAT. We should all be thinking about this shit, since we all base huge life decisions on it. So, here’s some of my recent research…

Am I a “lazy femme” or not?: The elusive definition of femme

Did I understand what femme meant? By buying a “Lazy Femme” shirt, was I claiming something that wasn’t mine after all?

With so many different, wide, and varying definitions of femme, this is what settled into the nest of my heart…

How to balance feminism with pragmatism in household chores

Both my partner and I consider ourselves progressive, feminist individuals. In most things, we are great about ensuring the we are contributing equally. The problem arises when it comes to the domestic sphere…

I don’t want to be responsible for the majority of the domestic chores. At the same time, I don’t think it is very feminist to force someone to do something they hate. Is there some way you have found balance in your relationships?