Category Archive


Fetishist or enthusiast? Musings on perceptions of corsetry and identity

What interests me is the dichotomy. Some eschew the word “fetishist” because of the associated stigma. Others instead enjoy the term for the same reason — flying their freak flag high and proud. I can see both points.

How do you identify as a corset wearer? Enthusiast, waist-trainer, fetishist, maker, hobbyist, tightlacer?

Vintage-style jewelry that would make even Daisy Buchanan jealous

If you’re a lover of vintage-style jewelry and are looking to expand your collection with some seriously affordable options, have I got a killer batch to make even Gatsby bust a load. We’re talking vintage-style brooches, teardrop pearl earrings, black enamel necklaces, and so much ornate style, you’ll go wild.

Let’s go shopping!

How much should I sacrifice self-expression for a relationship?

Since my husband and I have been together my appearance has changed. But I noticed that somewhere along the way, I started dressing in a way to please him, more than myself. Now I can’t help wondering… How can I express myself and maintain peace in my relationship?

Gender-bending fashion lines: How to look smashing in men’s clothing when you’re shaped like a woman

This is not a post on gender-identification, and much less about sexual orientation. It is not a post on being trans or trying to pass. This a simple post on how to look good when gender-bending fashion from someone who has been doing it for years.

Halloween style: Get gothic from head to toe

Over on our sister site Offbeat Bride, we rounded up a bunch of goodies from our sponsors for Halloween weddings. Most of these things aren’t just for weddings at all though. So please to enjoy, Halloween fashions and gifts for all!

Become your own brand of fatshionista: finding the self-confidence to rock your curves

I don’t have a thigh gap; in fact, mine are full of cellulite. My hips are wide, my booty is enormous, I have a belly, my arms are big, and I weigh a solid 300lbs — yet people stop me on the street constantly to compliment me on my style. This is how I found the courage to come out from underneath baggy, shapeless clothes and embrace my curves, “flaws” and all.

Finding pants for big bellies, or: Why I rock maternity pants when I’m not pregnant

No pants ever fit! Everyone thinks I am pregnant! Where can I find pants that accommodate a big belly? Then it struck me: Well, maternity pants. Duh. So I have been wearing this Target pair for a few months. But I’m wondering… Do any Offbeat Mamas or Homies with Non-Baby Bumps have more recommendations for belly-accommodating stores or styles that are comfortable and go a step above yoga/sweatpants?

Funky Hair Me: How purple hair dye taught me a lesson about self-identity

I am sitting at my dining room table with a Russian Imperial Stout, and the world’s largest shower cap on my head, and I think I might be having a pre-mid-life crisis.