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So you have $1000 to spend. WHERE DOES IT GO?

This doesn’t happen often, but sometimes we have some extra money to spend on the house. A few hundred bucks for new speakers, or a grand for a couch. Each time we have a windfall we can put into our home, we stall with anxiety. Scott and I have been living together a long time, and out of our parents’ homes for a decade, and just like most people in their late twenties, money like this needs to be used carefully. We can’t just whittle it away on hookers and beer — we’d like a sensible piece of furniture good for a lifetime.

But that anxiety! What if we choose a couch we hate or our car breaks down the week after we paint the living room and then we wish we hadn’t dropped $400 on the job?

LOOK LOOK LOOK: two cool Space Invaders-themed pieces of furniture for your nerd nest

Feeling the 8-bit interior design inspiration that’s been floating around the web? Get in here now — these two pieces are going to knock your Super Mario socks off.

How to keep a bed from dominating a mixed-use room

I live in half-a-house, sealed up and separate from the rest. The other half is occupied by my dad. As a space that wasn’t really built as an entire house, it’s a kooky space, but it’s fabulously cozy. The back “room” is our study/music room/art studio AND guest bedroom.

I have a king bed in a pretty prominent corner. How can I make this look less like a bed that got lost on its way to an ACTUAL bedroom, and more like some sort of daybed situation?

Dress your house in the spirit of the Death Star

This isn’t just about lining a rad collection of figures up on the wall — this is about having a house that oozes Star Wars with every fiber. As if somehow you managed to get a set dresser from the original Star Wars flicks to do up your place.