Monogamists say the darndest things: The top 4 responses to coming-out as a throuple
The majority of people we’ve come out as a throuple to have said hurtful things, effectively shutting down what might’ve been a constructive conversation. Some of the rudeness stemmed from ignorance, and some of it was actually well-meaning. I hold strongly that these reactions are mostly made in panic, shock, or confusion. I would like to go over them. I hope that people who have been here can find some solace in this, and that — if any of you are ever on the receiving end of a coming-out — this entry prepares you to hear as openly as you can.
How do you deal with the “so… when are you going to get married” questions?
Lately every time we see family or friends though the conversation always comes around to, “So, when’s the wedding?” Our answers never seem to satisfy anyone, and it’s a bummer to feel like those closest to us no longer feel like our relationship is “enough,” even though we are really happy. Homies, does anyone have a really good script or advice for dealing with family and friends who want to pressure you about your relationship status?
Discovering I’m asexual… then telling my partner
I knew of asexuality but I thought that it was cut and dry, I didn’t understand it was a spectrum. I thought “well that doesn’t apply to me, I want sex sometimes.” Then I became made aware that things like Demi Asexual and Grey Asexual were, well, things.
How scheduling saves our super-busy, polyamorous, multi-household family
Sharing lives can get messy, emotional, complicated, and exhilarating (and sometimes all in 20 minutes). It’s extraordinarily nice to, once a week, have a time set aside for the exclusive purpose of figuring out the logistics.
Positive demotions and Mental Health Awareness within relationships
My wife is bipolar. For her, that means a life full of mediocre, less-than-positive, contentment. And that’s all when she is at her absolute best. But we are working on understanding it. We are working together with individual therapists, a psychiatrist, a couple’s counselor, a bipolar support group, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family classes.
My husband and I are “in the closet” about my polyamory
To the world, we’re your typical interracial, interfaith, heterosexual, monogamous couple skipping through the grassy hills. In reality, I date and maintain intimate relationships with 1-2 men besides my husband.
How do you ask your friend to clean-up when you visit?
My best friend lives 5½ hours away and we love to visit. Every time we visit, though, the house is a complete disaster. I don’t know how to approach her about this because I am not comfortable staying there anymore unless it’s cleaned up. I love her like a sister, we’ve been friends for 12 years, and I don’t want to stop visiting. But I don’t want a fight because we have different priorities. Anyone have advice on how I can broach the possibly-sensitive question of asking her to clean up before I visit?
Why we should ask and answer more repetitive, annoying, offensive questions
I am Pagan, and I have always hated the repetitive, annoying, or offensive questions that occur every time I come out of the broom closet. Until a nativity scene changed my mind about those repetitive, annoying, and offensive questions.