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Make this hilarious DIY monster pet bed in 3 easy steps

Want to DIY your own monster cat bed? I KNOW YOU DO!!! Here’s how to make one for yourself in three easy steps…

19 unbelievably cute cell phone covers that I need right meow!

It all started with that kitty cat, crossbody, cell phone cover. It’s amazing. It’s adorable. It’s unbelievable that it exists. And then I went down the rabbit hole of unbelievably cute cell phone covers.

Come on a shopping journey of the cell phone covers that are so cute you’ll want to eat, pet, and mostly buy them right meow…

Everything you ever wanted to know about hypoallergenic cats!

Should you be a cat lover, but suffer from cat allergies, you may be thinking that getting a cat may not be a great idea. Fortunately, there exist certain cat breeds that may trigger no, or very little, allergic reactions! These breeds are known as “hypoallergenic cats.”

I am a cat lover and, because I suffer from cat allergies, I decided to share my knowledge related to hypoallergenic cats.

You should absolutely check out this Australian home decor (particularly if you like cats!)

The real estate listing describes this Australian home as, “A wonderland of colour, this torrens titled character maisonette is filled with a whole lot of charm!” You say “whole lot of charm” I say “whole lot of pictures of cats” …and dolls, and hanging baskets full of fake flowers.

4 myth-busting reality checks about fostering an animal

Fostering an animal means taking a homeless animal from a shelter or rescue and giving it a home with you until it gets adopted. It’s such a needed, life-saving process that a lot of people have questions and misconceptions about. I’m here to address them…

A clever (and pretty!) way to keep cats away from breakables

My cats like jumping up onto high shelves. Unfortunately, that’s where I prefer to keep my delicate collectables and assorted breakable things. Figurines, souvenirs, glassware, picture frames — all things a cat might knock off a shelf. But after finding some left-over perfume bottles, I came up with a way to stop the “Catzilla” moments that I dreaded.

What Buddhism can teach you about cleaning up cat hair

It’s Sunday morning at 7 a.m., and I’m up with unexpected energy. I lay out my yoga mat and sun salute to plank position. And this is when it happens. A tumbleweed of cat hair the size of a small muffin bounces past my face. But here’s the thing: I vacuumed last night! I lunge back into a child’s pose of despair and debate interrupting my practice to vacuum.

Is it possible to keep cats from chewing cords?

We have a pair of one year old, neutered, male kittens. They are amazing cats — friendly, cuddly, and affectionate. They’re practically perfect except for one giant problem: They chew cords. Any suggestions on how to break our cats of this cord chewing habit once and for all?