Category Archive


The baby industrial complex and the pink bathtub

Since we live in a very small urban home, we’ve had to be super selective with baby crap. But I will admit, there is ONE baby item I didn’t think I needed that turned out to be mission critical…

The Bot’s Room

The illustrious blogger, soon-to-be mama and previously Offbeat Bride-featured Steampunk Bride,  The Pregonaut, did an AMAZING job with her little Bot’s room and was stoked to share it with us. Bask in the pop art glory awesomeness of these new digs! – Offbeat Shrie We’re at 38 weeks and the room is finally complete! Now […]

Calculated risk, or why I let my kid sleep on his stomach

I’m not stupid: I know that it’s recommended that infants sleep on their backs, and I understand why it’s recommended. SIDS is scary, terrifying stuff — and the fact it’s still mired in mystery means that there’s extra fear around it.

Musings on babies, blogging, and privacy

When it comes to my son and my new experience of motherhood, I’m finding myself clamp-mouthed with a brick wall around my stories.

Slings, rings, and all these things — how baby wearing can save your sanity

I think kangaroos are definitely onto something! Aside from the Baby Bjorn, baby wearing was a completely new concept to me before having a child. I thought when I had a baby that I’d be able to lay him down on the floor with a toy and then go about my day as I always […]

Mixtape Onesie for your little audiophile

As a mixtape maven myself, I would *DIE* to have my little bundle o’ love sporting this cute little onesie. They’re hand screenprinted on 100% cotton so theyre safe and comfy for your wee babes. They’re available in 3 mo., 6 mo., 9 mo., 12 mo. and even toddler sizes, so you have no excuse […]

Kids are portable

One of the promises that my husband and I made to ourselves when we talked about having children, was that we’d continue to satisfy our desire to travel. We looked forward to carting our future children around the country and around the world. Our 16 month old daughter has taken three trips in her life, […]

Kids rocking out

Say what you want, some talents are just innate. Like the ability to rock. Hard. Check out these shots from the Offbeat Mama photo pool of kids rockin’ what their parents gave them: Check out that low-slung guitar, whammy bar poised and at the ready. A rock and roll prodigy! It takes some artists years […]