Andrew, the Sci Fi DILF
You met Andrew in Alissa’s post about “Who’s watching the baby?” But today you get to know Andrew in a whole different, DILFier way.
For the littlest nerdlings
Before I had kids I never understood the whole ribbon tag trend. It seemed like all these regular old baby toys were suddenly reinvented with little ribbon tags sewn on everything. Blocks, books, balls, whatever. Tags tags tags. Then I had a child and as soon as she could grab toys she went for the […]
Creating a gender neutral nursery
When I got pregnant I knew that I wanted to give my child a gender-neutral environment to grow up in. I registered for jungle theme decorations and crib sheets. Initially my sister lived with us when my daughter was born and we were blessed to have her as our nanny for the first year. After […]
George, the DILF who screams like a little girl
Offbeat Mama readers may remember my first post about my birth story. They may remember when I said that after seeing my first ultrasound picture, George “screamed like the little girl who got the Barbie she wanted for Christmas.” To this day, any time our little man does something amazing, cute or down right historical, […]
Yeah, so about scary slings…
Lenore Skenazy perfect sums up my feelings on the whole ZOMG SLINGS ARE DANGEROUS!!! thing: Perhaps you read the other day that now even baby slings are regarded as “risky” by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. This because, over the course of 20 years, there have been a reported 13 baby sling-related deaths. It is […]
Naming her offspring threatens expectant writer’s marriage
Our baby is due any day now, and Dr. Husband and I still don’t have any agreed-upon boy names for the wee one. I’m getting slightly panicky about it.
Feeding my cloth diaper hankering
Ok, you can count me among the obsessed. If I wasnt a hippie, I would probably cloth diaper just for the fact that disposables don’t come in Skull print. But seriously, how cute are these diaper covers from Rethinkcrafts? SO freakin cute, and competitively priced with other similar covers. These are covers for prefolds. But […]
Birch Tree Mural Nursery
The second I found out I was pregnant I started imagining what kind of mural I wanted to paint in our baby’s room. Even though my parents weren’t ‘artists’ they both painted murals in my brother’s and my room when we were growing up.