All about one queer family’s experience with IVF and making babies
The Story of Sadie sits on the mantle in Shannon, Allison, and Sadie’s home. The book tells the tale of two adventurous queer women who wanted to make a baby together. It’s far from a love story about one getting pregnant with anonymous donor sperm while the other massages feet and masters the art of Lamaze. They opted for a difficult yet decidedly more magical route: Allison carried Shannon’s egg.
3 tips for sharing baby news online without annoying your childless friends
Like many twentysomething parents-to-be, my friends can be put into one of two categories: those who are absolutely thrilled to hear I’m pregnant and want to know every last detail, and those who are quite frankly tired of seeing nothing but babies and wedding photos on Facebook. And despite being a recently-married mama-to-be, I understand where they’re coming from.
Shit’s getting real: what baby poop has taught me about being a parent
Now that my daughter is two months old, it’s becoming more and more tempting to post about poop.
I’m happy I’m parenting with my more onbeat partner
After learning I was pregnant in December of last year I immediately embraced the idea of being a radical young mom. I was thrilled about planning a water birth at home, about babywearing, sleep sharing, cloth diapering, maintaining a vegetarian diet, questioning vaccines, etc. Excited about the baby but suddenly thrust into a whole new world of pressure, my partner was much more skeptical than enthusiastic about many of my parenting ideals.
Baby + Jack Skellington outfit = Christmas miracle
I know y’all loooove you some Locked Illusions Photography — we get emails at least twice a month asking if we have Brittany’s biz listed in our directory yes (psst… the answer is YES!). Brittany wouldn’t be Brittany if she didn’t push your sense of holiday spirit to the max, and she’s serving up something super special this season.
5 birth announcement videos to rule them all
We’ve talked about the great love for birth videos that I have — and now I’ve found a collection of super cute (and yes, one of them is Star Wars-themed) birth ANNOUNCEMENT videos. You know — lovely little ways to say, “Hey, remember that time we told you we were having a baby? OH HEY, HERE IT IS!”
Two lesbian moms, one gay dad, and the bringing together of six grandparents
This weekend our son Mac met some of his dad’s family… who are also Mac’s family. And I guess are now our family, too. How strange it is to have a second set of in-laws — in-laws who aren’t actually related by law at all. Out-law in-laws.
Why I choose to cross-nurse babies — both my biological child and children I’ve never met
I’ve nursed two babies but have only birthed one. I’ve pumped milk for my own daughter and for a handful of babies who I have never snuggled. Call me a modern day wet-nurse if you wish but personally I think the term is a bit outdated. I prefer “co-” or “cross-nurser.”