I love the themed decor posts! Can we maybe do a stormy one? My husband and I want our bedroom to look kind of stormy-day-ish, because we both love that feeling, but we can’t quite figure out how to achieve that.We have beautiful grey walls, and white window trim, and a grey-ish ceiling, which all help, but… we need some decor! Even in terms of our actual bed frame and other furniture. –donteatmenooo
Ooh, I loooove this request. Grey is my new favorite color when it comes to home decor. I’ve rounded up a bit of, well, everything. From the bed to the bedskirt, and the floor to the ceiling, here’s Offbeat Home & Life’s take on a stormy-ish day bedroom…






Aw, the ethereal engagement set isn’t available right now. Boo.
It can be easily reproduced with tissue paper, scissors and string. If you search “tissue paper pompom” online, you’ll find tons of DYI versions and it is super easy to make. We made about 30 balls like that for my wedding. I didn’t even know they were actually sold ready-made.
OMFG. That cloud lamp!!! I need it. NEED IT. Saving this link for the hopeful day when I can afford the “tiny cloud” version… 😀
Actually, everything here is cool and I *love* the idea of a stormy-themed room.
I love these cloud lamps as well, and I think they could be easily reproduced with paper lanterns, stuffing, and string lights. At least, that’s what this lady did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOQkqUFpn3M
There are some available on Etsy, too. I’m sure not as high quality as the one listed, and I am not a huge fan of basically taking someone’s idea and making it for cheaper, but when there’s no way that I can probably ever afford the original, I’m okay settling for lesser quality. 🙂
We made a big cloud canopy for our wedding (you can see it if you search for the butterflies and dragons fantasy wedding on obb). It just took light bulbs and batting. I’m absolutely sure it can be done on a smaller scale – you just have to be careful about the heat resistance of your batting, which helps if you have a hollow space and the lights aren’t touching. If you were using LED lights, it would probably be pretty easy (although that’s going to catch dust like crazy). The dust-catchery thing is the only reason why we don’t use the cloud as a canopy for our bed, which would otherwise be completely awesome.
YAY!!!! Thank you!!!!
I love the dusty purple with the gray!
Did you find any home decor with lightning?
I did not. 🙁 Well, I saw one thing, but it sucked.
I find some tornado photography to be really spectacular- that might make for some fascinating wall art.
UGH HINDSIGHT. My room is done in grays/purples with black furniture. I LOVE gray/purple combos. and I love storms, so HOW this design concept managed to escape me is beyond me. My DIY dresser could have come out beautiful as ombre grays >.< Def. having to save this idea for when I move and can finally paint my walls.
Do it. Do it. Do it.
My bedroom is grey/purple too, and all of my dressers are plain white – definitely need to think about painting those babies in ombre grey!
That ring holder is ADORABLE.
We did our home office grey-on-grey – super dark grey ceilings and medium-grey walls with white trim and door. (Walls/ceiling in eggshell finish, trim/door in gloss.) It turned out AMAZING and feels so cozy, just like a rainy day – it would look excellent as a bedroom, too, especially with accents of peacock blue and eggplant purple.
Ooooo! Submit a house tour! I would love to see that!
Love it all! =) My husband and I both love stormy weather. We went to Seattle for our honeymoon despite the admonishments from others about why we would want to go somewhere so dreary. (We both loved Seattle and can’t wait to go back one day! One of our best trips ever!) We even picked up an art print of rain while we were there, so this would be a great fit for our bedroom.
He really likes the tranquil curtains! It’s a shame they are sold out already. =( We’ll be on the lookout for something similar though.
Thanks for the great inspiration! 🙂
This is the best idea for a bedroom ever! My SO loves clouds, and I fall asleep listening to thunderstorms. I’m off to make a new board on Pinterest. 😀