My dream house: Snow White’s Los Angeles tiki-style bungalow

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Can we take a minute to talk about our dream homes? I believe we all have (at least) one, right? You know, that one house that you always drive by on your way to work/the grocery store/your favorite vacation spot. That one house that you day dream about owning. You know… if you suddenly came into a million (or more) dollars. That house?

Well, torture upon tortures, my dream house is on the market right now. This is MY “that house”:

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Oh and did I mention that this house has been teasing me with its awesomeness ever since I was a child? And it’s no wonder that the house stood out to any kid. The history of it is that it was designed and built by Adriana Caselotti — best known as the voice of Snow White in the original 1937 Walt Disney production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


Of course, when you’re a kid that means you grow up thinking “that’s the house that Snow White lives in!” Now, the shoddy logic of why THE Snow White would chose to live in a small bungalow in the middle of Los Angeles instead of in a castle in the woods was lost on a young Megan. But still, the house was magic to me.

So, when I saw there was an open house I jumped at the chance to go and –Jesus-bisquits! — it’s EVEN COOLER THAN I EVER IMAGINED inside!

Betcha didn't know that Snow White liked to get her tiki on!?
Betcha didn’t know that Snow White liked to get her tiki on!?
I can't get over that glass work on the pitched roof.
I can’t get over that glass work on the pitched roof.
But the kitchen is my favorite. I have a design boner for time capsule kitchens.
But the kitchen is my favorite. I have a design boner for time capsule kitchens.

From the listing:

Architectural features include a hipped, cross-gable roof, 3 dramatic cross hatched clerestory windows and soaring 18′ vaulted ceilings. With it’s flared eaves and notched an exposed rafter tails this home has a clearly defined Asian feel and is reminiscent of a Japanese Tea Garden Pavilion. The open floor plan which spans 56′ is ideal for intimate or large scale entertaining. Other features include 2 en suite bedrooms, custom designed bar, additional half bath and sliding doors leading to the side deck which create an effortless flow for indoor/outdoor living. 2 car attached garage.

Join me on a virtual open house:

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Here’s where my heart breaks even more:
The house is currently listed at $995,000 which is down from its original listing price of $1,095,000 because it’s been on the market for over a year. I’m sure the reason it’s not selling is because this house is SO full of character that it would take someone like ME to come along and say “perfect! I wouldn’t change a THING.” So it sits there, vacant and for sale, so close (2.4 miles away!) yet so far, with its perfect owner (hi!) too poor to snatch it up. And I worry that when someone finally does, they’ll completely gut it and ruin the amazing vibe.

So here’s my question:
Anybody out there want to help me buy a house? 😉 Just kidding. I want to know if any of y’all have a dream-big dream house too! And I wanna see it.

Comments on My dream house: Snow White’s Los Angeles tiki-style bungalow

  1. Mine doesn’t look like it’s on the market anymore, so I can’t find any pictures (alas)! But it’s in the Los Feliz hills, and it basically looked like it stepped right out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. It was old and gorgeous, and covered with vines, and had an ENORMOUS window that looked into a dedicated library. And, for a mere $850k, it could have been mine. Le sigh….

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