My husband wants to get a mini-fridge for our beer collection. Problem is, it would need to be in our living room where we’ve got a retro/pop art vibe in the works.Help me find some stylish mini-fridge options that I won’t hate looking at everyday?
Thanks! –Whitney
I love me some beer and I love me some good looking appliances. So what I’m saying here is that you came to the right place for advice. (I mean, check out that red beauty up there!) I went virtually shopping and found some awesome sometimes retro, sometimes silly, sometimes gorgeous mini-fridge options that you’ll NEVER get tired of looking at.

Anyone else have awesome mini fridge suggestions that are easy on the eyes?
The Target website also has some adorable Coca-Cola retro-style mini fridges for under $200.
our rental fridge is stupidly small (and short!) in the kitchen. maybe i can use that to justify that top red mini fridge for ‘extra room’. it’s so pretty!
Isn’t it!? I can’t justify it at all. But I still want.
For Doctor Who fans:

Only problem with the Tardis fridge is that it’s REALLY small. It can only hold a six-pack and unfortunately doesn’t come with bigger on the inside type technology.
My Honey got me one when I was preggy with the male spawn! I used to have it on my bedside to keep later night snacks in , now it is next to the coffee/tea station for cream and milk.
As I browse Offbeat Home from my phone, stuck in the shed smoking and drinking a beer from our non-descript kitchen fridge, my husband is practicing with his band in our living room. Next to the no longer working mini-fridge (accident involving an ice pick… best to not ask). And I am thinking that somehow, some way, that Marshall amp fridge will make its way into my home.
I wish I’d seen this post when I was still in college. Still, I might get that six-pack fridge anyways. That would free up some space in the regular sized fridge.
Thanks guys! Some great options!