An interview with Pushba, the Russian goth mama
As we all know, I’m a little obsessed with Pushba, the Russian mama who is clearly not afraid to let her personality shine so bright that it’s blinded me here in Seattle, some 5000 miles away.
Breech babies and birthing plans
Let’s backtrack to the 37th week, two weeks before Alice was born. Henry and I went to my weekly check-up together, to have “The Talk” with our doctor.
Kid’s noise cancelling headphones: all the fun with none of the hearing damage
Our little roadie at her best. Angelene (aka A.Jams) is seen here with her rockstar headphones, the Peltor Junior Earmuffs. They come in tons of colors.
How to make PVC lightsabers for your little padawan
Forgive me while I geek out all over the place, but I saw this craft idea and just about exploded all over the room. Sure, my baby may want to play with it someday, but I’m fairly certain that if we had these, my husband and I would probably never watch TV again.
…And my midwife makes three
I’ll be honest, my motives for seeking out natural childbirth started many years ago and sprang from a very rational fear of gigantic needles. I was scared senseless by the idea of a lightning rod going into my spine, and thought the pain of childbirth had to be preferable.
My pregnancy was unplanned, so why am I so heartbroken over this miscarriage?
For most women week 13 is the time they get to relax as the “danger time” for miscarriage has passed. My week 13 involved getting a bad sign, and the doctor confirming what I already feared was going on: my pregnancy hormone levels had already plummeted, which meant you weren’t alive anymore.
Self-rescuing princess t-shirt – You’re darn right
I am probably betraying my geekier sensibilities here, but if we end up having a daughter this is exactly the kind of message I want her to send to the world: Seriously, I can’t think of a better shirt for a little girl to wear around. Why not give her a head start in feeling […]
Is feminist motherhood an oxymoron?
I’ve been having a very difficult time trying to marry my feminist ideals with my thoughts on what a mother should do, and I have a lot of hang-ups about whether or not I’m making enough sacrifices for my daughter.