3 life lessons I’m tryna teach my kid through holiday cards
I don’t have that many holiday traditions… But my son and I do holiday cards together every dang year because I think they’re a silly tradition that’s oddly important. There are valuable life lessons I’m tryna teach a guy…
One woman answers the question: should I stay in a marriage without chemistry?
Several years ago, I wrote the Offbeat Home post I’m not attracted to my husband: Marriage without chemistry? After 6 years of working on myself, finding myself, and trying to do absolutely everything I could to save the marriage… I finally had the strength to call it quits.
7 Tips For Keeping Cats and Dogs in a Tiny House
Whether it’s financial savings or living a more minimalist lifestyle, there are many advantages to living in a tiny house. However some people argue that it is unfair to have cats or dogs in a tiny home, because they won’t have the freedom to roam like they can in a standard-size house. We disagree with […]
This forgotten jewelry box holds my grandmother’s ghost
Suddenly, I heard a weird tinkly noise. I have a new phone, and it makes weird tinkly noises I don’t recognize, but this wasn’t one. I wandered through the house trying to track down the noise, and found it coming from our bedroom… in my closet… on top of my drawers.
The jewelry box I hadn’t touched in almost a decade was playing music. What the fuck?
My husband has chronic health issues, so I can’t get boned
I read the Offbeat Home post about “Asexuality and queerness redefined sex for us,” and I hate to be a downer, but this is so much harder when you are in a monogamous heterosexual relationship…
Learn from my mistakes: Questions to ask before accepting a job teaching English abroad
I am just finishing a job teaching English in China. Unfortunately, it turns out that I was hired by a nightmare employer. I won’t go into all the details, but by reading my suggestions you can guess what kind of problems I ran into. I would like to make some suggestions so that you don’t make the same mistakes if you decide you would like to teach English in another country.
Radical accountability: Holding yourself responsible so you can hold yourself POWERFUL
Here’s the thing about blaming others: it might feel sort of good for a moment, but ultimately when you hold yourself accountable for your choices, you regain a sense of agency and power. When you blame others, you’re trading responsibility for power… and I truly believe we all want to feel more powerful.
What’s the best thing about your local library?
Libraries are getting more popular as Millennials and Gen Z re-embrace the idea of not purchasing everything we consume. It’s one of the only places you can go outside of your home where you’re not expected to spend money. You can use your library to look for jobs, scour the internet, take classes, join book clubs, and more. But we want to know what makes YOUR library amazing…