Best as I can decipher, these photos by of Pushba were featured in a Ukrainian gallery in a photography exhibit focused on breastfeeding. While they are indeed lovely photos of Pushba nursing her son, I’m also completely tickled by the more traditional clothing she’s wearing. It’s my beloved freaky Pushba in a floral scarf!
For a few of these gorgeous images by photographer Nataly Dauer, keep reading. (Some of the images may not be safe for work, if your coworkers aren’t into breastfeeding.)
You can put the Pushba in a scarf, but you can’t take that twinkle out of her eye!

Some of you may remember a while back when I featured this Russian goth wedding on Offbeat Bride. Well, Pushba and Grater have gone on... Read more
OH OH! And then there are THESE photos which were taken by Vampidore:
Посмотреть на Яндекс.Фотках
More photos on Pushba’s LiveJournal.
Oh, and by the way, if you’re looking for some extremely NOT traditional breastfeeding shots of Pushba, she’s got those too. These shots are more, shall we say, expressive (…as in “expressing breastmilk”), so if that sort of things squicks you out, don’t click here.
could she get anymore freakin beautiful!?
Oh holy crap. LIKE.
Jeeze! I should get my NICU moms to learn how to shoot milk while teaching them manual expression!!!! Wicked!
Also, I couldn’t figure out why she looked so… un-punky in the first one, but I’ve just clued in that they’ve photoshopped out her piercings! I’m glad they left off her eyebrows though, my brain would have probably imploded if they had done that.
I love Pushba so much! I wish we could be friends 🙂
Gorgeous! As a new mom, I really appreciate and love the photos of her breast feeding! You really don’t see enough visual media out there glorifying such a natural and beautiful experience. <3
Thank you SO much for posting this!! I check her LJ regularly and just adore her…how could you not? *super happy!!*
That last set is especially beautiful. I love the scarf.
Beautiful. And, um, wow-she got some good range with that milk! Anyone who has ever thought their breasts would go to hell because of breastfeeding should take a look at those pictures 🙂
Her and baby sitting in the field is some serious ART. I want that hanging in my hall, so beautiful!
This one on her LJ is the most amazing:
[editor note: image might not be safe for work]
That said, she just looks amazing no matter what. Seriously, we need a list of moms who manage to continue to make motherhood look cool.
Ohmygoddddd I want a print of that first pic to hang on my wall!
wow! The pics of her squirting milk are AWESOME! I wish I had thought about that when I was still breast feeding! It’s so powerful and beautiful!
She should be on an ad that says, “Squirting is healing…. squirt to get rid of baby eye infections!”
You mean LIKE THIS?

There is something beautifully Madonna-esque about her expression and pose (Madonna the mother of Jesus, not the singer). This is a brilliant poster, as well. Two thumbs way up.
You’re right, I see that too! Truly stunning.
YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! and its great for stuffy noses and burns and…..
Are the squirting ones for fetishists?
always beautiful
I’m not usually a fan of breastfeeding pics (not because they’re not powerful/wonderful etc – I’m just not such a fan generally) but these are truly amazing…. Absolutely beautiful! And something about the punkness mixed with traditional Ukrainian stuff speaks to my inner Ukrainian! :p
Ha! Love the milk squirting. When my milk first came in it was uncontrollable. My milk ducts seemed to go off at weird angles. During one memorable feed I managed to accidentally squirt my poor dad (who was sitting next to me)in the eye… Good job he found it as funny as I did!
Love it! Squee!
these are beautiful pictures, and an awesome exhibit! (we need something like that HERE!)
BUT I must admit my favorites are the milk-squirting ones only because I remember experiencing that…plus the whole artsy-feeling to the shoot kind of takes away the baby and only focuses on Pushba–like I am mom this is what I do. Not I am mom and this is my baby, which seems to be the message of most pictures out there y’know?
Either way, what an awesome lady! Thanks for sharing Ariel 😀
Lovely pics.
In other news: “squicks” is my new favourite word.
ohhhmygoodness. These portraits are stunning. Thank you for sharing!
I find it more intriguing that that baby had no diaper on… barely realized that she was feeding…