When I gave birth to my son Alijah, my water broke on Christmas Eve and he was born on Christmas morning. I decided The Nightmare before Christmas would be the perfect first birthday theme.
I invited Alijah’s friends to frolic in the Christmas tree-filled splendor — complete with a visit from Sandy Claws.
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This.. is.. AMAZING!!!!!!!!
This is officially on the list of my favorite things. Wow.
So awesome!
I never used to have regrets about being born four days after Christmas. Now I find myself wanting a party like this!
AWESOME!!! Did you DIY the decorations or find them somewhere? My son’s bday is Halloween and his name is Jack. Coincidence? I think not 😉
Besides the obvious store-bought items like the cut-out of Jack and Sally, and the stuffed characters, everything was made by hand. I will not take credit for the handmade decor though! Ha! I have visions, but rarely can make them come to fruition by myself. My favorite – and least expensive — were the spider web paper placemats.
My due date is December 21st. This makes the possibility of a Christmas birthday a thousand times more bearable. 😀
Christmas will always be more special with a due date that close! Those of us with children with a birthday near the holidays just have to work a little harder 😉 My plan is it is always his birthday first, then after we sing “Happy Birthday” it can be Christmas. Congratulations on your little on!
I like this plan!
Soooo.. (probably due to my NMBC addiction) I found my self singing in my head as I read the “What’s this” sign. >.< Favorite. Party. Ever.
AH! Such a great idea! Both my kiddos have December birthdays and I love themed parties. Oh yes, this is happening.