Don’t worry — there’s a normal staircase, too.
Step down the steps and around the corner, and you’ll find the stone stairs lead you down through a cave-like arch, past a l’il fish pond, and into the basement. No handrail, though, so maybe you shouldn’t use this staircase if you’ve had a few to drink.
I will be disappointed if they don’t put an awesome tiki bar down there.
It’s a fun look for sure. I probably wouldn’t need to be drunk to hurt myself on it though, lol. Ah, the special joys of being naturally clumsy!
Am I the only one who wants to join up with the Blue Barracudas and climb all over these steps?
How legal is the lack of handrail?
While I’m sure it’s not to code, it’s clear that there’s another, more standard staircase to be used.
(Also, “legal”? I’d love to listen in on that arrest “Hello, sir. I’m afraid I’m going to have to arrest you for your koi pond staircase.”)
Depends on whether they even have building codes where the house is located. The town I work for doesn’t (nor does the state) so you can pretty much build whatever you want inside. Outside is the only thing we really have some control over.