Honesty is the best policy. I truly believe that. I am like Honest Abe Lincoln who, when confronted about chopping down the cherry tree, shouted “Give me liberty or give me death and I’m really sorry about the tree but Babe the Blue Ox told me to do it!”
Growing up, I may have kept things from my mother but I only really lied to her once.
I was 17 and wanted to go to this party that didn’t start until 10 p.m. I was certain she would never let me go. I called my sister and told her my dilemma and she advised me to tell mom the truth because “Mom always finds out.” I knew she was right so I told her that I would be honest with mom about the party.
My mom got home from work and, despite my intention to be honest, said, “Can I go to a midnight show at the mall with Lisa?” She said yes and I was elated. I left around 8 to go out to dinner before going to the “movie” and, while I was gone, my sister called and asked my mom if she had let me go to the party. My mom said, “What party?” and my fate was sealed.
I came home around 2:30 a.m. and everyone was asleep and I was thrilled that I had not been caught in my lie. I woke up late the next morning and there was a note on the kitchen table that said simply, “Call me at work.” I called and my mom said very calmly, “I know you lied to me last night.” I started to explain and she stopped me, “I don’t want an explanation. I just want to tell you that you are grounded and, since I’m going to the cabin this weekend, you’ll be going to your father’s house and I have already informed him that you are not allowed to go out while there. I will talk to you on Monday.”
And then she hung up.
I dutifully packed my bags and went to my father’s as instructed and I spent the weekend pouting.

Guys, summer is almost upon is… which means it's TOTALLY time to get ready for con season! We've chatted about taking a small child to... Read more
I never lied to my mother again.
Given that I was, for the most part, an angel all through my childhood and adolescence I think the universe owes me. I should have been given the world’s most honest children. However, my children are sneaky little rats.
Over winter break, Miguel was heading to his room with his hands clenched in front of him and I yelled, “STOP RIGHT THERE!” He turned to me and said, “What?” I said, “What do you have in your hands?” He opened his hands and they were empty. He said, “What did you think I had?” I told him I thought he was smuggling candy to his room. He said, “Mom, if I wanted to sneak candy to my room, I would do it. When I was 8, I used to sneak candy to my room in my nut cup and you never figured it out.”
That’s right — my son admitted to smuggling candy in his jock strap. Not only is he a liar… but he’s gross.
Hahahaha!! My tongue is a little too honest for most. Though that didn’t mean I didnt try my hand at sneaking whatever my heart desired.
My little darling, on the other hand, blatantly lies to me about the simplest things about how many fruit snacks she has when I can count the wrappers but if you ask her her opinion on something be prepared for what she has to say.
The part of sneaking candy in his jock strap had me laughing out loud!! That is hilarious!! If it was freshly washed I dont see the problem because I used to sneak food in my training bra till. But then again none existent boobs are better than (possibly) sweating man parts.
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, that’s hilarious!!!!
Oh god, I snorted trying to hold in my laughter. At first I was like “nut cup? What is that?” thinking you .. I dunno, maybe gave them peanuts in a little special cup or something. NOPE. AHAHAHAHA.
I had the SAME reaction while editing it. I was like “what on earth is that.. OMGG HGHKLADLKFSLKFJSDKLJFDLKSJFLJKS”
OMG! Pfffts!!! So hillllllarious.
An 8-year-old boy’s threshold of grossness knows no bounds.
I used to sneak candy in my socks and line my belt with candy bars, and rustle on up to my bedroom…the things kids do to get away with things!
OMG This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time! I agree with you, I was a little angel growing up. My mom was a single mom and I knew from the very start what a hard time she had of it and that she did EVERY THING she could to give me what she felt I deserved. You’d think I’d get a good break right? Nope. Apparently I’m paying for my husband’s indiscretions. haha My little boy is a total brat! (I’d lump his brother in there, but he’s only five months old, so that wouldn’t exactly be fair.)
That last bit made me laugh OUT LOUD.
I am 25 and I am still telling my parents about things I did as a kid/teen that they didn’t know about, and we laugh about it.
I am so slow. I normally associate “nut cup” with Iola Boylan from Mama’s Family talking about “and at end of the party, people can have their mints and nut cups”
This is great. Just great! Not at all what I was expecting from the normal OBM article! Hahahaahah!
Haha! ‘Nut Cup’. I just love that phrase so much! ^_^
My 14th month old tries to trick me sometimes. He loves to try and play with the power outlets! Of course they are covered, but he is still not going to be allowed near them. Once I saw him heading towards it, and I said “no”. So he put his back to the wall, stood in front of it while looking me in the eye, and reached behind him to touch it. Are you kidding me!? Is he really trying to trick me?!