This recipe originally appeared on I Can Teach My Child, a wonderful website that helps parents come up with lessons for their kids. The site covers kidlets from birth through age five, and is jampacked with creative ideas that’ll make learning an awesome experience for everyone involved. As you can also guess, the site also contains little gems like this!
What you need
- Essential oils (citronella and lemongrass are musts, you can also use lavender, tea tree oil, or geranium oil)
- One 14 oz. bottle of witch hazel
- One or two spray bottles
- One jar for mixing
- One funnel
For full instructions, head over to I Can Teach My Child.
Any word on how well this works?
This recipe will come in handy during the humid Florida evenings when I’m doing yard work and smacking the squitos off my legs every few seconds. Thanks!
what good things do you know those vile nasty creatures do? i’m aware of NO such things. i’m waiting……
I want to know the answer to this one too. I’d also like someone to tell me whether this stuff actually works, because I don’t want anymore mosquito bites! I already covered as it is!
I got curious and found the following article about good things mosquitos do…but basically they’re really good at continuing their own species and spreading terrible diseases. They do nothing good for humans, but they are excellent carriers of various viruses and apparently have helped protect various parts of the world from humans by infecting them with all kinds of bad things. So, much like most parasites, they’re great at using us for their own vile uses, possibly hurting or killing us in the process.
As an FYI teatree oil can cause seizures and a whole bunch of issues for pets, so if you have them, it might be one essential oil to avoid.
are the links not working? says ‘site forbidden’ when clicking on I CAN TEACH MY KIDS links 🙁 sad
Those links are working fine on my iPhone – site forbidden sounds like they might be falling foul of a filter of some sort? Are you using a PC that might have a company firewall or something like it?
Here’s a cool story about how a chemical found naturally in cedar trees, citrus fruit (grapefruit), and other sources can be developed as a natural bug repellent.
Vanilla extract works amazingly to repell mosquitos. Mix some with a bit of water in a spray bottle and spritz away. And it smells great too!
Mosquitos feed bats and other animals and reptiles, amphibians, that benefit us in some way.