You’ve probably noticed that I love me some gift guides. You’ve also probably noticed that I happen to find some super-awesome stuff all over the internet. Wanna know a little secret about my gift-shopping prowess? I generally head to UncommonGoods the moment I start my “awesome gifts on the internet” search. UncommonGoods is a privately-owned retailer that constantly features unique and ethical gifts, while supporting independent artists and designers — in fact, half of what they sell is made by hand!
This year, just in time to get your holiday shop on, UncommonGoods has joined forces with me as one of our sponsors! So I get to gush about some of the unique gifts that could just about melt your face with all the awesome…
Personalized gifts
Say hello to the cutting board I almost purchased FOR MYSELF. Yes, I’m a dork. But I started a new Instagram account for my foodstagramming, and I wanted to commemorate it with a cutting board that said “Treats&Geeks.” Or maybe you want to get a cutting board for your newlywed friends “Kai&Marischa,” or maybe you want a cutting board that says something dorky like “letscook” (any Breaking Bad fans here?).
Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yes, my point is that, whether it’s kitchen stuff, dog stuff, or jewelry, Uncommon Goods has a ton of personalized gift options to wet your palate.
Gifts for home decor

From vintage camera pillows to cat candles, UncommonGoods lives up to it’s name when it comes to home decor! Just peruse their home and garden section and try not to buy too much for yourself whilst you shop for others. 😉
“Christmas gifts for men”

Although UncommonGoods calls this their “Christmas gifts for men” section (and I DID have to resist buying my boyfriend hmmmmm ALL of the baseball stuff) this section is full of the coolest stuff for everyone! Musicians, outdoorsy types, chefs, and people who love to drink will be in heaven over here.
“Christmas gifts for women”

Maybe for your mom? Maybe for your best friend? Maybe for your nephew who loves unicorns? Here, you will find all things sparkly, pretty, yummy, fuzzy, and rainbow-y.
I’ve shared some of my favorite UncommonGoods finds, now it’s your turn to share yours! Head over, shop around, then PUH-LEEZ come back and tell me what you bought!
As always, thanks to UncommonGoods for being an Offbeat Home & Life sponsor, and helping to keep our site happy and full of awesome!
I <3 Uncommon Goods!
I'm wearing their vegetable (zucchini) cuff today and have another one that is pink (radishes and watermelon, I believe). I've had mine for several years and have loved them for even longer.
http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/vegetable-cuffs, http://www.uncommongoods.com/product/ribbon-cut-zucchini-cuff
UGH you’re making me wanna replace everything in my house with adorable owls, handmade pottery and ladybug castles!
It’s like mod cloth met pyramid collection met etsy, and they’re having an amazing party.
Uncommon Goods always has the coolest stuff! I live in hope that one day, someone in my family will get the hint and give me Elwood the Rainbow Unicorn.