I got this fancy idea in my head that I should throw myself a Game of Thrones birthday party, simply because I love the show and have been listening to the books NON STOP for weeks and weeks now. The endless descriptions of all the succulent food featured in the novels was driving me nuts.
Luckily for me I happen to have a birthday that falls within the time when it’s pretty flippin’ cold outside. So it made sense to have a fire, invite over the masses, and get down and feast with our bad selves. Here is what I did…
First, I am crazy organized, so I hunted down recipes from the books on this website. The cook/writers happened to have made an official Game of Thrones cookbook (which I now own, along with the unofficial one).
While I was checking out the menu options, I threw together a Facebook event since it is quick and easy and I can get a count of how many folks are considering showing up, so I know how much grub to make. I decided on a menu and promptly made an Excel spreadsheet (yup, I am one of “those people”) with all of the menu items on each page and their list of ingredients in quantities needed and directions.

Here is my menu (ALL were pulled from the above-mentioned website):

About two weeks before my 30th birthday, someone reminded me that my "dirty thirty" was coming up soon. To which Aaron, that guy I married,... Read more
- Pentoshi Duck
- Boiled Beef and Horseradish
- Spit Roasted Rabbit
- Green beans, Onions and Beets
- White Beans and Bacon
- Spiced Squash
- Flat Bread
- Bread and Salt
- Old Bears Spiced Wine
- Herbal Tea
- Spiced Pearshine (this isn’t actually from Thrones, but I saw a recipe for Pear Brandy, and I happen to have a friend who makes their own moonshine, pears are in season… you get the picture.)

Everyone’s favorite dishes were Pentoshi Duck and White Beans and Bacon. I personally loved the rabbit which I didn’t end up roasting (I didn’t have a spit or a grill) — I broiled it on low to get much the same effect — and the green beans with onions and beets. But all of it was yummy!

Next I scoured the junk store for every wooden, metal, or hand-thrown looking, plate, cup and serving platter I could find. (If you’re using pewter, remember to test it for lead before eating or drinking from it.)
I hit up our local livestock farm to place an order for a couple of rabbits since they are readily available in my neck of the woods, snagged some ducks from the grocery and the rest of the items from my pantry, regular store, or new age medicine store.
It simply wasn’t enough to have good food, fire and friends; so I made everyone goodie bags (why not?!). I found this wonderful digital download of the Game of Thrones family crests, complete with their words. And had them made into temporary tattoos. I also bought some tiny corked bottles, which I filled with purple rock candy, and made “The Strangler” favors.
I decorated gift boxes with pretty tissue paper and Fall fabric leaves and crystal Christmas tree ornaments. I hand-wrote thank you cards, and packed them in the boxes, sealing them wax. My cards read:
The Lady Sanchez, eldest daughter of the house White and Warden of the Sanchez lands north of the Gnat line; does most graciously thank you for your attendance to this, her twenty ninth name day celebration!
I decorated the tables with a Fall garland, and asked the farmers across from me if I could have some of their picked cotton. They graciously offered to let me take some of the ones with the fluffy stuff still on them. I clipped the cotton plants down and threw them into empty wine bottles with water to keep them steady. I have zero lighting in my vast backyard, so I set up the rented tables between the clothing line polls, and strung plain Christmas lights up between them.
I made costume garb optional, and had a small costume contest. The winner was the cutest four year old, Lilah, who received a one pound gummy heart as a prize! Look at her tear into it like the little Khaleesi she is!
Everyone had a grand time, and we even managed to avoid spoilers, since we had some Game of Thrones Newbs.
This is so creative 🙂
This looks fantastic! I was just thinking the other day I should have a themed gathering when the next season starts on tv. Probably won’t be nearly as elaborate as this though.
If I’d read this yesterday, I’d be bringing Green beans, Onions and Beets to Thanksgiving dinner instead of Brussels sprouts. 😛 I love the pottery that you found, and your little gift boxes look super cute! I’m sure your guests had an awesome time. 😀
what an amazing feast. and Happy belated Birthday!
i will be making white beans and bacon very soon.
Thanks for all the compliments, the party wasn’t really all that elaborate minus the cooking. Certainly not something you could pull off in a weekend with no notice, but certainly doable in a few weeks. The most expensive and time consuming part was the food and cooking, but I was able to stock up on things here and there to keep it from coming all from one paycheck.
Dude, seriously though, the Green beans, onions and beets…. epic, for real!
I was lucky to snag my pottery a few years back at a local Salvation Army, it’s Canterbury Pottery from over seas, I scored a near complete set for 44 dollars. I could really use some more dinner plates, but at 16.50 pounds each, I just don’t see that happening.
All in all I would say I spent a couple hundred dollars on the whole event, 80% at least going to food.
This looks FAB. Love the leaf boxes.
I’m a real GoT fan, so this is great! I would never do anything like this because I don’t really like throwing parties, but it’s fun to live vicariously.
The picture of the four-year-old prizewinner eating a big gummy heart has certainly made my evening! (how did you make/get the gummy heart, btw?)
Psst: Click the link on the words “one pound gummy heart” and be delighted. 🙂