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Turn to our shopping category when you need offbeat decor — whether its from a link we’ve posted or one of our awesome sponsors.

Calling all aspiring flappers, Marios, and baby dragons: let’s talk about what your family is going to be for Halloween

Who wants to do some Halloween window shopping?! Even if you already think you know what your various family members are going as this year (please tell me SOMEONE has a family that’s all going as Harry Potter characters), you might be pleasantly surprised by the overwhelming amount of awesome that’s available out there.

Use a window to solar charge your USB gadgets

Got a window in your office? In the airport? In a foreign country? These little solar-powered stickies may be what you need to keep your USB gadgets up and running.

The perfect gift for the library nerd in your life?

Oh man. I know there are a ton of you who know (or ARE) the uber-book nerd librarian types who would deeply appreciate this Personal Library Book Sharing Kit from Plasticland.

I mean, it’s got a date stamp! It’s got self-adhesive pockets and checkout cards, and even its own little fussy pencil. For me personally, when I loan out books I just assume they’re being gifted, but if you or one of your book nerd friends love to keep track of your loaners… SQUEE!

Non-boring lamp shades to brighten up your home decor

Homie Elizabeth asked us, “Any chance there could be a post about awesome lamp shades? I have been searching high and low for non-boring lampshades, and they are really hard to find.” No problem! But, not knowing EXACTLY what you’re looking for, I’m going to just throw out a large collection of fun and funky lamp shades.

Some of these are pricey, some of these are not going to be everyone’s tastes, and some of these are actually made for children’s rooms. But none of these will make you snooze.

Folk music for kids by Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash, and more

Finding music that young kids and adults can agree on can prove to be a challenge — there a lot of albums out there with debatable content (do you REALLY want to hear a group of kids sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” for the 85 millionth time?). I recently stumbled into a whole treasure trove of folk music for children, including albums by Woody Guthrie and Johnny Cash. So if folk is your thing.. come on down and listen.

Creating a creepy year-round house that doesn’t feel “Halloweeny”

Where can you find horror decor that’s not Halloween tchotchkes? And how can you keep the creepy spirit in your home year-round, without just looking like you forgot to take down your Halloween decorations?

Turn your fireplace into a light show with rainbow fire crystals

Add some rainbow to your fireplace with Rainbow Flame Crystals. Ooh, or how could would this rainbow light show be for your outdoor fire pit!? Just sprinkle these crystals on your fire place, wood stoves or campfires — the colored flames last for about 10 to 40 minutes.