From geeky to gangsta rap: Jordandene has the coolest kids clothes you’ll see today
Remember when I first introduced you to Offbeat Home sponsor Jordandene? I gave you geek chic shirts for big kids, and you explored the site and found the geek chic items for little kids. Let’s talk about Jordandene‘s awesome kids clothes and accessories (including the BEST FREAKING GIFT FOR KIDS of all time). Plus there’s a special discount for any Jordandene stuff you like.
Coloring books for grown-ass adults
I’m crappy at every craft ever, but coloring… dudes, I’m awesome at that AND it’s something I can do while I have a glass (bottle?) of wine. And then I stumbled upon the world of adult coloring books. Check these guys out…
These chalkboard-style Star Wars posters are patently awesome
This is probably the classiest and (perhaps) subtlest Star Wars nerd poster of all time! But there’s so much more where that came from — search Star Wars chalkboard art on Amazon and let your fanboy minds get blown away.
Hang out like a pro in these kick-ass hanging chairs
I have a rounded alcove in my living room, which I think would be perfect for a hanging chair. I know that Megan is a master at finding cool shit on the internet, so I’m hoping she can find me some cool hanging chair options. Help me hang out in my living room?
An open letter to the Sir Catspian shower curtain
Oh hai, Sir Catspian shower curtain! I just met you and I’m in love with you. Maybe it’s your suit of armor, or the fact that you’re riding a freaking narwhal like a horsie. Or perhaps it’s just the expression of pure (purr?) joy on your face…
14 pop culture-inspired pillows that’ll elevate your couch game
Gaze upon the Starpugs pillow, and know that, with those sad-but-proud pug eyes, that dog is telling you that you are about to see some amazing shit.
Let’s talk about “poptails” and popsicle FAILS
I had no idea that “poptails” were a thing until I read “Because Cocktails in a Cup Are So Last Year: Poptails Are the Next Big Thing.” Yeah, they’re basically frozen cocktails. So I decided to try to make my own…
When you gotta shop big: 4 corporations for ethical consumers
Where is the ethical consumer supposed to shop when they don’t have the time (or funds) to hire a local artisan? Offbeat sponsors are a great starting point, but here are some additional companies worth checking out…