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We know that sometimes a home just isn’t a home without a pet, and oftentimes pets have their own sets of needs, perks and home-enhancing features. These posts cover our furry, scaley, winged, offbeat friends.

Avoid canine cabin fever with these winter dog walking tips

Avoid canine cabin fever with these winter dog walking tips

In case you are trying, like me, to avoid canine cabin fever for as long as possible, here are some tips to make sure your pup is happy and healthy during the winter walking season!

We’re not worried about our pit bulls being around our baby

The most persisting hot topic in my life as a mom is the fact that we have two Pit bulls. Well, an American Staffordshire Terrier and a Pit mix extraordinaire to be exact, but really we all know regardless of what I call them they’ll always just be Pit bulls. Are you nervous? Oh please don’t be!

How to prepare raw dog food at home

Before we continue, two things: One, I am not a veterinarian. This is simply what has worked for us and our pup. Two, we are about to talk about poop. LOTS OF POOP. If you’re eating a tasty burrito, maybe set it down ’til we’re done.

Adorable dog beds that’ll steal your heart and your attention

I remember the shopping post a long, long time ago about chic dog beds. What about a shopping post request for adorable pet beds?

How do you approach a neighbor about their dog’s barking?

My husband and I have no relationship with the people in the apartment next to mine, other than smiling at each other on the elevator, and so we’re at a bit of a loss about how to approach them about their dog’s barking. As far as we’ve been told, our building doesn’t allow dogs. How can we bring it up without creating a negative relationship right from the get-go?

How do I live with my dog when my dog isn’t happy where I live?

I’ve had my dog ever since she was able to leave her mom. She’s four now, and really is the best behaved dog for the most part. We have both lived with my parents in the country. Recently I moved to a new city and apartment. I thought my dog adjusted perfectly, however after a month and a half, my landlord called to say she was barking/howling/crying during the day while I was at work and that they wouldn’t tolerate it anymore and that I had to do something. Right now, my doggie is living with my parents, but it’s breaking both of our hearts to be apart. What else can I do in order to be able to live with my dog again?

My dog sleeps in a fireplace: Turn your unused fireplace into a doggy alcove

For two years our dog slept in a pen at the foot of our bed. I finally got tired of dealing with the whole collapsible pen thing, and started eyeing the un-used, non-functional bedroom fireplace in a new light…

Offbeat dogs: Why you should consider adopting a bully-breed

It’s plain to see, the Offbeat Empire likes dogs. They like them a lot. Everywhere you look on Offbeat Bride, there are dogs walking down the aisle. On Home, there are posts about dogs, posts with dogs, posts not about dogs at all, but with dogs peeking into the photos anyway. [Editor’s note: Even the Associate Publisher Megan has a pit bull mix.] There are all kinds of dogs, and there are all kinds of people, and some people have their types. For me, bully breeds are where it’s at. In a way, bullies are the most offbeat of dogs.