Category Archive


“Homeowner”, “renter” or “squatter” – whatever the label, these occupants take the Offbeat wherever they go.

How to be a Godless Godmother

I am an atheist punk, and have been since about the age of 12. My best friend, and mother of my godchild, is Christian. We respect each other’s viewpoints and have adopted each other as family, so it only made sense that when she got married and started procreating that I would be officially added to her new family – as the godmother.

Turn your living room into a learning space for $20 or less

As our son grows up, Sean and I are super interested in finding new, fun, and more offbeat ways to help him love learning. What ideas do you have?

Copy ‘n’ paste phrases for when you don’t need more baby crap

We’ve gotten numerous questions from readers about how to communicate with friends and family about baby gifts. Specifically, how to let them know you don’t want any, are ok with used stuff, don’t want any before the baby’s born, etc. We’ve got suggestions!

The Human Incubator: how Kangaroo Care saves preemies

The practice of Kangaroo Care in NICUs is widespread, and the positive impact has been most keenly felt in hospitals in developing nations, especially those without machine incubators or other medical equipment.

Parenting tips from a teen who grew up going to festivals

As a now seventeen year old, on the cusp of adult life, liberty, and the freedom to pay taxes or be tried as an adult, I will say that having an alternative upbringing is equal parts a blessing and a curse … but definitely very educational.

The Santa Fiasco (and owning our Unbelief)

Amy and her husband are atheists, and have also opted out of raising their daughter to believe in Santa Claus. Sometimes, especially in groups of little kids, this can be tricky.

Catching up with Pushba and Lada

Time for another chapter in the ongoing saga of “Ariel’s long-distance Russian mama-crush.” Yep, new pictures of the stunning (and pregnant!) Pushba and her daughter Lada.

My Big Fat Queer Jewish Family

David Shneer, his partner Gregg, and their friend Caryn are a “three-parent, two-house, one-home family” getting ready to bring a new life into the world. Much to his chagrin, the number one question he’s receiving is “Which one of you is the father?”