Category Archive

It worked for me

Dealing with fears while roadtripping with a baby

Taking a road trip with a baby was a great experience. In part because it felt like it set a good precedent for family adventures — and in part because at times I was terrified.

Learning not to worry during pregnancy

My new doctor, the chill one, was all like, “Why’d you have so many ultrasounds?” when I saw him for the first time. Um, because I’m nuts?

What I learned from my daughter’s helmet

When our daughter, Ruby (the most beautiful baby in the whole world) was about 4 months old I noticed something wasn’t quite right.

What’s it like being a pregnant drummer on tour?

So sure, there are rockstar moms … but then there are mamas who are quite literally rockstars! Like Trish Naudon here, drummer for a band out of New York City called The NATCH — and also due to become a mama in August. I tracked Trish down to ask her a few questions about how she manages to mix the perfect cocktail of rockstar and mama — and how her fetus likes it when she’s playing the drums!

What I learned from our first camping trip with a baby

When our son was six months old, my husband and I packed up our new/old Westfalia (aka The Vantasy) and headed to Washington’s Deception Pass for our first family camping trip. Granted, this wasn’t backpacking (just car camping) but I still learned a few things: Cloth diapers are great for the great outdoors, as long […]

Why I’m over and done with breastfeeding

I’ve had some struggles with breastfeeding in the four months since my son was born. One of those struggles was just grappling with the SHOCK that it could be so hard. The newest shock is that I’m throwing in the towel.

Why do I need to get married just because we have a kid?

From the second I knew about my son’s upcoming arrival, the same questions kept coming up, the biggest one being, “Are you married?”

After I answered no, everyone seemed to assume that my son’s father was out of the picture. To their surprise, my son’s father is very much involved.

How to pick a middle name your kid will WANT to share

Last December, my husband and I welcomed into this world our first born son: Lincoln. Lincoln Danger. Yep.